Browsing Category : salads

fruity salad

Surprisingly delicious easy salad with a fruity twist.

Salad days! Sunny days call for salad and this one is a bit different to what I would usually make! A salad can be made with most things, but often we tend to think of it as something savoury consisting of standard ‘salad veg’. So I started with that as a base, then looked to see what else I had…

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bulghur salad

Your fussiest eaters will love this salad.

Salad! What do you think of when you hear the word ‘salad?’ Does it remind you of the single lettuce leaf with a wedge of soggy tomato and half a slice of cucumber served on the side of a meal? Do you think of salad as something only people trying to lose weight would eat? Well, let me tell you…

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salad with dressing

Quick & Easy way to pimp your salad!

End of summer As the weather changes and the summer weather changes to autumnal vibes, it is all too easy to suddenly forget about buying and eating salad in favour of root vegetables and squashes. However, for a quick lunch when the weather is still warm but a bit grey and drizzly, adding something to ‘pimp’ your salad can make…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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Greek salad in a dish

Love this homemade Greek salad.

Summer weather is perfect for salads! Sometimes it’s easy to stick with what you know and that’s where this Greek salad comes in! If you’ve ever holidayed in Greece, the Greek Islands, Cyprus or even Turkey, likely you have eaten this tasty salad full of delicious fresh produce. Of course, there will always be variations and it is common to…

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Asparagus ideas you need to try before the season ends.

Asparagus! At this time of year in the UK, you are likely to see asparagus on menus as the short season arrives. You may be familiar with lightly steamed green asparagus served as part of brunch dishes, or served as a side for dinner, but this vegetable comes in three main colours: green, white and purple. All the varieties are…

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tacos leftovers

Save money with these top five ideas for leftovers!

Use what you have! With the prices of food steadily increasing, now more than ever many people are finding they have less money to spend on everyday items. That said, there is still tonnes of food thrown away daily, either through lack of planning or awareness of the issues. How much food do people throw food away? Food waste is…

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plant based

Can I challenge you to add more nutrients & delicious…

Tempted by a Challenge? This morning I joined a discussion about adding more plant based foods into the diet and the #eat30 challenge was mentioned. Before you get in a panic and think I am going to suggest you eat 30 different portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, haha (could you?) let me explain. This challenge is not…

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Pesto zoodles

Make something everyone will love from a courgette?

Courgettes. Yes, it is that time of year, when gardeners and allotmenters in the UK suddenly find courgettes springing up everywhere! We may not have had much rain with our unfamiliar 35c+ heat, but those courgettes still keep growing! This year I’ve been sharing my courgettes with the muntjac deer… or the foxes… or both! I’ve covered them up with…

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