Chocolate Pots and a well deserved rest!
I guess you thought I might have had a chance to post before now! Me too! 😛 It’s been SOOO much fun being back in the kitchen I’ve spent all my time creating some wonderful recipes… then had no time to post! Oh and FINALLY I finished and submitted my nutrition dissertation so now I just need to wait for the outcome! Time for a well deserved rest! 🙂 Woohoo… no more studying… until September lol! 😛 🙂
My kitchen was practically bare so it was shop, shop, shop (for hubby not me)! I’ve got a few new ingredients which I’ve yet to try but let’s just say chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!! 😀 This week my kitchen has seen sweet, savoury, side dishes and snacks galore including banana biscuits, lentil loaves, chickpea curry, baked tofu, roasted cauliflower, herb & nut courgetti and all manner of other deliciousness! I’ve even jumped on the aquafaba bandwagon and have been experimenting with vegan meringues and pavlova! Oh yum! 😛 🙂
Today I’m going to share these chocolate pots with you which were created with some left over aquafaba … I can’t believe I didn’t try this fabulous new ingredient sooner! Aquafaba? What is it I hear you ask? If you don’t know please don’t be grossed out! I still can’t believe that something which would usually be tipped away can be so useful! Aquafaba is the liquid – water (aqua) from beans (faba)! I KNOW!!! So, in this instance I used chickpea liquid (it seems to be the most common type used). Seriously, it acts just like egg whites would in that you can whisk away and the result is a white frothy substance! Like this…
So… once you have your aquafaba, you can make these delicious pots of chocolateness!
- 180g aquafaba made from tinned chickpea liquid
- 3 tablespoons carob powder
- 3 tablespoons cacao
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 3 tablespoons nut butter (I used single ingredient almond)
- 3 tablespoons maple syrup
- Whisk the chickpea liquid until you have soft white firm peaks.
- Add the carob, cacao and cinnamon and whisk until combined.
- Carefully add the nut butter and whisk again.
- Drizzle in the maple syrup while whisking. This is likely to cause the firm peaks to return to a white foamy liquid – don’t worry this is fine for this dessert (just don’t try to add maple syrup if making meringues!)
- Pour the liquid into three ramekin dishes.
- To cook – place the ramekins in a large saucepan to check they fit.Check the pots fit and add boiling water.
Put boiling water in the saucepan until just over halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
- Place on the cooker and heat for 20-25 minutes until you can see they are set (the outside will set first and go darker, then gradually the middle will follow). Allow to cool before removing.
- Enjoy!
Serve & Store
- Eat as they are! Deliciousness on a spoon!
- Add some fresh fruits – raspberries would complement this perfectly.
- Try dunking some biscuits!
- Store… seriously!? Ok… put in the fridge for 2-3 days! 🙂
Excited now… off to Colchester vegan fair! On the lookout for some yummy goodies! 🙂
Gather Prepare Serve & Store Chocolate Pots