Life Diet Health

If you know…

Wednesday wisdom! 🙂

“It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.” Tony Robbins

Just some food for thought for you today! You might know lots of things about lots of things… but how many do you act on?

For example, we know plastic pollution is bad,but how many of us are actually doing anything about it? Think about it! What can you do?

For example, we know we should get a good nights sleep to restore our bodies to good health but how many of us get a good amount on a regular basis? Think about it! What can you do?

For example, we know that eating more vegetables and fruits is good for our health, but how many of us eat the recommended daily amount or more? Think about it! What can you do?

I’m certain there are LOADS of things you know about, want to do, put it on a list to do, plan to do… but how many have you done? Think about it! What can you do? NOW! Think about it now! Action it now! Write below what you plan to do… I’m only asking for you to think of one thing! Write it in the comments below – I’ll start it off…

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