Search results for :salad

Tofu Sprinkles!

These are my new favourite food! Not only are they great for sprinkling an extra bit of protein on a salad or soup, they also make great nibbles too! The thing that makes these great is the size! These are tiny little bites of tofu, totally full of flavour and they definitely fill that gap! These are easy to make…

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Smoky Lentil & Bean Casserole

This is a fantastic dish! I’m proud of myself! πŸ˜› Not that I’m not usually, but this… well, this is great hot or cold, is baby friendly (I’m sure she will eat it if you make it too C.)! and besides being very easy to make, it is a FREE food on Slimming World and Weight Watchers! πŸ˜€ Oh, did…

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Banoffee Cake

Sometimes I forget that making vegan food is a skill which non-vegan chefs don’t tend to have! We have just returned from a weeks holiday and although the team of chefs (and it was a BIG team of at least twenty chefs at any one meal) tried to be helpful, you could see that this really was something they were…

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Vegan Cannelloni

Pasta tubes with a soft creamy centre flecked with spinach and slathered in a rich tomato sauce (with hidden veg)! Perfect! πŸ˜€ This week it has suddenly been very cold here! Definitely stay in the house and bake tasty food weather! πŸ˜› Or is that just me! πŸ˜€ We’ve had soups, chickpeas and then this delicious hearty filling pasta dish!…

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Vegetable & Nut Loaf

If you have cooked vegetables left over and don’t fancy reheating them, or making soup, how about turning them into a fantastic slice-able loaf!? This can be eaten hot with vegetables, cold with salad, or sliced to use in a sandwich! It stores for several days and can also be frozen – perfect! You can use any vegetables which are…

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Veggie Fritters

Ah, if you ever needed a way to eat more vegetables this is it! Crispy seasoned morsels of… well, definitely not overcooked limp tasteless vegetables! πŸ˜› These veggie fritters are a great way of a) using up bits of vegetables b) getting kids (& partners) to eat more veg without realising and c) have a tasty meal that everyone can…

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Chickpea & Tomato Soup

This chickpea and tomato soup is one of our staple recipes! It is our go to quick nutritious meal (or addition to a meal) and we probably make it 2-3 times a month (okay so maybe weekly! Yes, it’s that good πŸ˜€ )! I was certain this recipe must already be on Life Diet Health, so imagine when I searched…

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Pesto zoodles

Pesto Zoodles

Pesto Zoodles The smell of fresh basil wafting past is too much to resist in this very hot weather we’ve been having. The smell to me is just intoxicating and although it’s not my own I am eating it’s still so delicious! πŸ™‚ For some reason, basil is one thing which I cannot appear to keep alive – whether on…

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New website! New recipes! Frittata!

Finally!!! Yes, at long long last I have managed to move my blog over to a self-hosted site! The new site will still have weekly recipes but it will also have so much more! πŸ˜€ Please use the sign-up form so you don’t miss out… even if you were already signed up before! Please note you will no longer receive…

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Tips & Hacks

Here is a random selection of tips and hacks which may make your life a bit easier!Β  We will keep adding to them. Sweetening Foods (like rhubarb) – add a pinch or two of cinnamon. Reducing the spiciness of food – add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. Ripening fruits quickerΒ – put them in a brown paper bag with…

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