Search results for :salad


Meat(less)balls! Well! I got told off for calling them ‘meatballs’ so I thought okay, meat(less)balls they will be! We’ve made these before but this time switched the recipe up a bit and they were oh so good! I’m not writing too much this week as I’ve been busy working on the new site and hopefully I will repost this over…

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No excuses needed! Veggie recipe round up!

No excuses needed! Veggie recipe round up! You must have noticed the sudden influx of vegetarian, vegan and plant-based dishes which are popping up in restaurants, coffee shops and supermarkets (hooray!), but have you actually considered them? There are so many tasty dishes that you probably haven’t even thought of trying but which are so flavoursome that you won’t even…

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Back to Basics: Coleslaw

Back to Basics: Coleslaw Yes. I know. You can buy it from the store! Coleslaw though is different wherever you buy it! Some are too creamy, some have a lot of onion in, others are watery or taste vinegary. So, how about you create your own coleslaw so it’s just how you want it every time. Think of coleslaw as…

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buddha bowl

Summer is on the way… !

Summer is on the way… ! If you are in the UK… isn’t it a glorious day!? It certainly feels like Summer here! (20c / 68f) So, out are the hot soups, the curries and the chili and instead let’s have salads! No, not a bit of lettuce and tomato, a proper salad! or even how about a delicious Buddha bowl? I…

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Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung! Woohoo! Finally Spring is here! Daffodils and narcissi are in full bloom, violets and crocuses are popping up, and pink blossom is adding a welcome burst of colour everywhere. 😀 The allotment has had a ‘bit’ of attention and we’ve even managed to plant several things outside already! Hooray! Early and second early potatoes have been in a while,…

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Lentil Bolognese

Lentil Bolognese Hello! The sun is shining and the temperature is 14 degrees centigrade (57f). Woohoo! 😀 It’s time to get out in the garden and the allotment! I’m hoping this week was the last of the frosts! I think we’ll be planting like crazy… lots to go in already and we’ve been starting a few things on the windowsills!…

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Dish or chickpea, potato and spinach curry with salad and raita sides

Fragrant Vegetable Curry

Fragrant Vegetable Curry Curry conjures up all sorts of images depending who you are, where you’re from, what your local takeaway serves and whether or not you are fortunate enough to have friends who have been taught by their parents how to make the best tasting curries using fresh spices! I think I’ve always liked the actual taste of curry,…

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Homemade Veggie Burgers

Homemade Veggie Burgers We haven’t been trying out as many new recipes as usual, but the other day we fancied some burgers which we could all enjoy. There are so many types of burgers and what you eat them with is probably just as important as what you put in them, but these burgers, these taste great on their own!…

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Socca Style Wraps

Socca Style Wraps Do you keep gram flour as a kitchen staple or do you just buy it when needed? I never used to have it. I didn’t know where to buy it. In fact, I probably never realised such a thing existed! We use it quite a lot, gram flour, or garbanzo flour, call it chickpea flour if you…

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Restaurant Reviews

We love eating out where we can find chefs who can make plant based food! Here are some personal opinions of restaurants we have visited.    For vegan and gluten-free options, in a non-vegan town… this Mexican chain has to be one of the best options! Whilst nothing jumps out on the menu as being vegan, every branch we have…

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