Tag Archives : free from


A weekend breakfast idea everyone will love

Pancakes! At the moment as the weather in the UK is very cold (-5c this morning) then porridge is generally my go to breakfast. I serve it with fruit, yogurt, a sprinkle of mixed spice and cocoa and often a splash of milk. Sometimes though, it is really nice to switch things up a bit and as I still wanted…

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chickpea and sweet potato curry in a silver dish

Whip up this quick & easy winter warmer.

Sweet Potato & Chickpea Curry! This dish was created by accident in one of those – ‘what have I got that needs using up’ moments! The great thing about this recipe, is that the sweet potato becomes the sauce base, so there is no need to spend lots of time or extra ingredients to make a nice thick sauce. The…

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An easy twist on the traditional ratatouille

Enjoy your vegetables! Firstly, Happy New Year! Whether or not you celebrated the festive season, I wish that 2024 is a great year full of happiness, health and friendship. It would also be great if you could incorporate more vegetables into your regular diet, so here is an easy dish for you to start with! Maybe you’ve munched your way…

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yule log

Yule love this seasonal recipe

Dessert time! Finally I have perfected this delicious dessert and I hope you will find the time to make your own! What a delightful centrepiece for any table and you most definitely want to leave room for a slice or two! I have made this all from scratch, but of course, if time is short you can grab a few…

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rum truffles

Have yourself a merry little chocolate or three!

Chocolate Rum Truffles When I was growing up, rum truffles were always in our house at Christmas time. I remember feeling all grown up at being allowed to eat these vermicelli coated little chocolate balls and loved the fruity taste they had. Fast forward several years, and do an ingredient check on shop bought ones and well, let’s just say…

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sharing platter

Easy idea for a perfect festive season

Keep it simple! Tomorrow sees the start of December (2023) which for many brings with it lots of stress! Well, here is one idea to help you create a perfect quick and easy platter sure to please everyone. Now, the idea here is to keep it simple, so I would suggest just pulling everything suitable out of your fridge, grabbing…

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celery soup

The best things in life are free…

Waste not want not! This was not a planned recipe! Well, not entirely, but when you are gifted 4 packs of celery, correction, frozen celery (yes, that is a thing), then experimentation commences! Now, celery is not something I often buy because there are many other foods I’d rather spend my money on, but I do eat it… sometimes! I’ve…

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Red soup by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Sensational soup season is here

Homemade is easier than you think! I used to be very scared of making soup! My late Mum always used to make what she called ‘big soup’ which basically meant, that was dinner! You might wonder how a soup could be a whole meal, but Mum’s soup was packed full of loads of vegetables and was served with hunks of…

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roast aubergine

Use this recipe and everyone will love it

Aubergine aka Eggplant! Aubergine, also known as eggplant, is a versatile vegetable that is often overlooked without a thought. Many people have strong opinions about this intriguing vegetable, often avoiding it through previous bad experiences. Maybe you have discovered its spongy texture or its reputation for being a tasteless, bitter, or seemingly difficult vegetable to work with. Perhaps you have…

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