Life Diet Health

Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Vegan & Free From

Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Vegan & Free From

It’s October! How did that happen!? Don’t you feel that the days, weeks and months are running away!? This week I don’t know where the time went! Was it the sudden change in weather? Colder nights? Frosty mornings? Bright sunny days?! (Yes, the UK has had a dry week with daytime temperatures around 18 degrees). Resting and relaxing was my intention and lots of blogging. Oops! A whole week has passed and all I’ve managed to achieve is cancelling some of my studying… to make more time!

Cooking? Baking? I’ve made time for that of course! All of that wonderful Autumn produce – pumpkins, red cabbage, leeks, savoy cabbage, parsnips, apples, plums, blackberries and cobnuts! 🙂 Cobnuts in the UK have a very short season and we were lucky enough to find some oh yum!

The dish I’m sharing with you today is another versatile dish which can be baked into a cake, a loaf or individual patties. You can change the herbs to suit and make it as garlicky as you dare! This keeps well and is just as delicious cold as it is straight from the oven. Perfect for a Sunday roast, a midweek supper or even as a sandwich filling!



  1. This is very simple to prepare. Add all the ingredients one at a time to a food processor. Start with the onion then the garlic, mushrooms, cashews and walnuts.
  2. The paprika, herbs, basil and pepper are then added whilst the food processor is running.
  3. Add the carrot, cabbage and poppy seeds and ensure they are fully combined.
  4. Lastly add the oats and stop the food processor when a natural ball starts to form. The resulting mixture should be quite firm.
  5. Put into your preferred tin or cases and smooth the top.
  6. Bake at Gas Mark 6 (400f / 200c) for 60 minutes for a loaf/cake or 30-40 minutes for smaller individual cakes. The loaf is ready when it is firm to press, is starting to come away from the sides of the tin and has browned on top.
  7. Enjoy!

Serve & Store

Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf

  • Servings: 6-8
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 100g (1 medium) onion
  • 2-5 cloves (around 25g) garlic
  • 300g (approximately 15) white mushrooms
  • 50g cashew nuts
  • 50g walnuts
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon mixed herbs
  • 1-2 stalks (around 14 small) basil leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 50g grated carrot
  • 50g grated red cabbage
  • 2 teaspoons black poppy seeds
  • 100g porridge oats (gluten free if needed)


  1. This is very simple to prepare. Add all the ingredients one at a time to a food processor. Start with the onion then the garlic, mushrooms, cashews and walnuts.
  2. The paprika, herbs, basil and pepper are then added whilst the food processor is running.
  3. Add the carrot, cabbage and poppy seeds and ensure they are fully combined.
  4. Lastly add the oats and stop the food processor when a natural ball starts to form. The resulting mixture should be quite firm.
  5. Put into your preferred tin or cases and smooth the top.
  6. Bake at Gas Mark 6 (400f / 200c) for 60 minutes for a loaf/cake or 30-40 minutes for smaller individual cakes. The loaf is ready when it is firm to press, is starting to come away from the sides of the tin and has browned on top.
  7. Enjoy!

Serve & Store

  • Serve with crispy roast vegetables 🙂 Add roast potatoes, parsnips and gravy for a perfect roast dinner!
  • Pour over a tomato based sauce (I used tomato and onion sauce).
  • Slice and eat cold with a fresh salad.
  • Try with your favourite bread – maybe make a sandwich?
  • Store covered in the fridge for up to a week.

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