Life Diet Health

The best things in life are free…

celery soup

Waste not want not!

This was not a planned recipe! Well, not entirely, but when you are gifted 4 packs of celery, correction, frozen celery (yes, that is a thing), then experimentation commences! Now, celery is not something I often buy because there are many other foods I’d rather spend my money on, but I do eat it… sometimes! I’ve tried growing celery and that was a fun and crazy harvest! If you know how to make all the stalks stand up straight rather than resemble a Christmas tree, please let me into the secret! Anyway, I needed something for this celery which was very tasty, and hence this soup was created.

cream of celery soup

The celery soup recipe

Basically you need lots of celery and water! Then a bit of milk, some seasoning and that’s about it! I added some nutritional yeast but you can leave it out if it’s not something you use.

Cream of celery Soup

A deliciously silken smooth soup made with simple ingredients.

Course: dinner, light lunch, starter
Keyword: celery, creamy soup, soup
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 1 kg celery stalks (fresh or frozen)
  • 1-2 litres water
  • 250 ml milk (I used unsweetened oat)
  • *optional 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • *seasonings of choice salt, pepper, chilli flakes
  • *toppings of choice yogurt, cream, fresh herbs, croutons, spices
  1. Place the celery stalks in a large pan (you can chop in half if you wish but not totally necessary) and cover with boiling water. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 15-20 minutes until the celery has changed colour and looks very well cooked. Turn the heat off.

  2. Ladle all the celery into a blender and add some of the water and all of the milk (or use your stick blender in a jug/bowl). You will add any unused liquid after, but it's easier to blend cold liquid than hot! Pulse a few times, then process until it's as smooth as you can make it. Add any remaining liquid.

  3. Rinse the pan you were using, then get a large fine sieve and a spatula or wooden spoon. Pour the soup mixture through the sieve (so the liquid goes back in the pan). Using your utensil, press all the moisture out of the celery fibres. Take your time. Using your utensil, press even more moisture out. Repeat. There is a lot of moisture in there and you want it all out. Do this stage carefully! The celery should end up as a ball of fibres in your sieve. Compost the ball of celery fibres.

  4. Gently heat your soup and season to taste. You may find it tastes great just as it is! You might want to add a bit of salt, black pepper, or chilli. Add the nutritional yeast if using.

  5. Serve in bowls with any toppings scattered over or served separately for your guests to add.

  6. Enjoy!

What do I need?

Here are a few items you may find useful for this recipe. I may receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!


Serve your soup with some tasty homemade bread, or for an easier choice, opt for homemade garlic bread using up those wonderful batons and baguettes! Of course, you could serve this a starter, a light lunch, even a snack to warm yourself up between meals (it’s great in a mug too)!


The great thing about this soup is that you can store it in the fridge for up to five days so it’s there when you need it. You can also freeze it, in portioned out sizes either in a silicon bag or a glass container (allow for expansion once frozen). Remember to date and label and reheat from frozen slowly in a pan.


What are you serving your soup with? Are you sharing or do you think ‘celery’ soup is something of an acquired taste? Well, if you’ve read this far I’ll let you into a secret! Making the soup this way, especially adding the nutritional yeast, gives this soup a silky creamy texture which you could ‘almost’ pass off as cream of chicken… almost! Good for the soul!

Anyway… as always, I love hearing about any recipes of mine you try, any ideas you adapt or suggestions you have for future recipes. We must be able to start the seasonal recipes next week? Any requests? I have a super one to share, but I might leave that until a bit nearer the big day! Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or X.

Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!

I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x

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