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Your fussiest eaters will love this salad.

bulghur salad


What do you think of when you hear the word ‘salad?’ Does it remind you of the single lettuce leaf with a wedge of soggy tomato and half a slice of cucumber served on the side of a meal? Do you think of salad as something only people trying to lose weight would eat? Well, let me tell you that salad has come a long way from those lacklustre beginnings. Picture a vibrant bowl of bulgur tossed with sweet juicy fruit, salty crumbled cheese, earthy nuts, and a flavourful dressing that excites your taste buds. This isn’t just a side dish; it’s a nutritious and satisfying meal that celebrates the diversity and richness of plant-based ingredients. So, let’s redefine what a salad can be with bold flavours and wholesome goodness, and create a dish even your fussiest eaters will love!

Bulghur salad packed with flavour & texture

Bulghur salad.

As you’ve probably guessed, the base of this salad is bulghur wheat (or bulgur), which you can either buy ready-made or make yourself. Ours was cooked with vermicelli for added texture, but plain bulghur works just as well. Ensure it’s chilled before use (this dish is perfect for using up leftovers, and you could substitute any grain such as rice or couscous). Then, onto preparing your salad ingredients. Begin by chopping everything into small dice: tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, spring onions and a leaf or two of greens such as rocket, spinach, or little gem lettuce for that extra freshness. We then combine everything together with the chilled bulgur, then add roughly chopped pecans, juicy blueberries, and crumbled salty plant-based cheese. The dressing is up to you – it’s tasty enough as it is, or add a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice. Alternatively, a creamy tahini dressing with a hint of garlic and a splash of apple cider vinegar, or even fresh orange juice for a citrusy twist, can be used.

Salad bursting with flavour

The Bulghur Salad Recipe

Bulghur Salad

Earthy, sweet & salty, this salad has it all!

Course: main, sides
Keyword: bulghur, bulgur, fussy eater, main salads, salad
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 200 g bulgur
  • 50 g vermicelli optional
  • 2-3 medium tomatoes diced
  • approximately half a cucumber diced
  • 1-2 bell peppers (red or yellow ideally) diced
  • 1-2 medium spring onions finely sliced
  • 1-2 handfuls leaves such as rocket, spinach or little gem (mixed is great too) chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons pecans roughly chopped/broken
  • handful of blueberries smaller sized
  • 50-100 g cheese (plant based if vegan) crumbled/cubed (we used plant-based Cathedral city)
  • dressing of choice (lemon juice, olive oil, tahini, yogurt, pomegranate molasses)
  1. Start by cooking the bulghur according to package instructions, including vermicelli if using, then allow it to cool completely.
  2. While the bulghur is cooling (or if already chilled), chop the tomatoes, cucumber and bell peppers into small dice, thinly slice your spring onions and roughly chop your greens (rocket/spinach/lettuce). Mix all the chopped salad ingredients together (you can place this in the fridge if needed).

  3. Once the bulghur is fully cooled and chilled, mix the salad and the bulghur together.

  4. Add the crumbled plant-based cheese to the bowl and lightly mix everything together.

  5. Sprinkle the pecans and blueberries over the top and gently turn the salad a few times to mix in.

  6. Serve the salad just as it is, or serve with your dressing of choice.

  7. Enjoy!

What do I need?

Have a look here at some of the items which could help with this recipe. Search on Amazon here for items such as chopping boards, kitchen knives, mixing bowls, salad bowls or even ready mixed bulghur & vermicelli and pecans.


Serve your salad freshly made as it is or serve it as part of a buffet or barbecue with a selection of other salads! If serving to others, I would leave the dressing separate so each person can choose to add their own favourite.

Salad packed with texture & crunch


The prepared salad will keep for a few days in the fridge. The nuts may lose a bit of their crunch so you could keep these aside to add just before serving. You can always prep the bulghur and the salad ready for when you need them, then mix together and add the final ingredients just before eating or serving.


I really hope you will try this salad out on your fussiest of salad eaters and let me know what they think!

As always, I love hearing about any recipes of mine you try, any ideas you adapt or suggestions you have for future recipes. Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or X.

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I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x

Colourful bulghur salad
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