Back to Basics: Pancakes! (Gluten, Egg & Dairy Free)
Olympics! 😀 Aren’t they just great! You can’t have escaped them as they are on all the time… all day live or on repeat 😀 My favourite so far has to be the synchronised (3m springboard) diving (England won Gold)! Ooo and the rowing (we won Gold in that too)! Both so mesmerising that you don’t want to miss a detail. Maybe it’s the water? Or just the sheer magnificence of the athletes power, determination and finesse? I can’t say we’ve been up to much else in our house! We all love watching the Olympics! What’s been your highlight so far?
Olympic rings! 🙂 Pancake style! 🙂
We’ve been eating of course 😛 but not so much of the creating and photographing so I thought it about time to add another recipe in the back to basics series 🙂 I created this series as several people kept asking me for straightforward recipes for what I myself see as non-recipe cooking but that they for one reason or another had never made themselves! I know I have several (four I think) pancake recipes on here already such as these delicious bursting blueberry pancakes but as we eat them so often, I thought it only fair that they should be added to this series! Even my son can now make gluten & dairy free pancakes without a recipe! 😀 Besides, I had my good friend visiting from Canada and as part of a volunteer work-camp she was on, she made pancakes as her countries traditional recipe. Okay, so the origin of pancakes is to be debated – did you know they can be traced to written European recipes as far back as 1439? Crepes, Pancakes, Griddle cakes , whatever you call them, each country has their own version and a history to go with it! What I’d never made though was my friends delicious apple and cinnamon variation… so here are my take on them! 😀 Enjoy!
Gather Prepare Serve & Store
keep warm eat!