flat bread

If you make this once, you’ll love it.

Bread! Please tell me you’re watching The Great British Bake Off this series? #GBBO! Bread Week is so far my favourite week, and I was most definitely watching! I absolutely love all types of bread, and while I wasn’t too convinced about the ‘buns’ (I think I’d prefer to add my own fillings), that wreath stole the show! I’ll definitely…

mint biscuits

Easily make your own layered biscuits

This week, as the weather has turned decidedly autumnal and the days grow noticeably shorter, there’s been a lot of tea drinking! Of course, if you’re in the UK, you’ll know there’s nothing quite like curling up with a hot cup of tea and a plate of biscuits. With The Great British Bake Off diving into Biscuit Week, it’s the…

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vegan lasagne

Autumn brings new flavours & recipes

End of Summer! This week has brought a definite shift in the weather. My garden is covered with leaves, and no sooner do I rake them up, more take their place. The rain has been hammering it down, and the air feels noticeably different. Have you sensed it too? That sudden change in the air? It’s cooler now, not just…

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chickpea patties on a white plate

Quick & easy chickpea patties everyone will love

Chickpeas! This week we’re going back to one of my favourite foods – the chickpea! Also known as garbanzo, gram, or chana, depending on where you’re from. Chickpeas come in two main colours – white (kabuli) and brown (desi) varieties. To make things confusing, the word ‘hummus’ in Arabic literally translates to ‘chickpeas’! If you’re asking for hummus in some…

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When your day is unexpected, eat cake!

Planning out the window! So ,it is now almost dinner time and it has just been one of those days! There are a hundred and one things I should be doing, but it would appear only a couple were actioned! Therefore, rather than miss a post, I am leaving you with this delicious bundt cake! Yes, you may have seen…

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Recreate those delicious holiday memories at home.

Classic Street Snack. The last few weeks in the UK have been hot and sunny, reminding me not only of my younger days (yes, we used to have weather like that then) but also of the time I lived in Turkey. Whilst I did live there in all seasons, the summer seemed to stretch on for months, and you could…

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Embrace the Excitement of a new term.

Balancing acts for the new season. I started writing a new recipe for you today, but then I realised that the next time I post, schools will be back, and the summer holidays will seem like a distant memory. The carefree days of late mornings, lazy afternoons, and spontaneous adventures will be replaced by early alarms, structured days, and the…

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Fantastic easy recipe for your bumper crop of courgettes.

Homegrown! The idea of having an allotment or a vegetable patch at home, is one that many people dream of, but the harsh reality is that it takes time and effort… and much more time and effort than that! I’ve had an allotment for several years now, and each year my plans are to make it better than the last,…

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biscoff shake

Irresistible Milkshake Flavours You Need to Try.

Super shakes! Last week, I (unintentionally) went with a friend to a different café, and to my surprise, they had a range of vegan milkshakes on the menu. As the UK continues to experience this extended hot weather, making milkshakes at home has become the perfect way to stay cool and satisfied. From classic flavours like chocolate and vanilla to…

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snack pots

What you need in your pantry for quick easy meals!

Something a bit different today to set you up on your plant-based journey. People often ask me, “What do you eat?” and since I rarely eat the same meal twice, it’s easier for me to give you a list of all the foods that are basics in my pantry. These are the current staples that keep my meals varied, nutritious,…

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chocolate protein

Easy rich chocolate dessert – you won’t believe the ingredients!

Protein! This week, we’re staying on desserts but we’re making a protein-packed one! I’m sure you know that protein forms the building blocks of our bodies, essential for the repair and growth of tissues, but did you know that almost all food items contain some protein?! This is because all living organisms, whether plant or animal, need protein to survive.…

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strawberry ice cream

Check out this combo of summer, strawberries and sunshine.

Ice-Cream! The sun is shining, the skies are clear, and the UK is basking in the glorious warmth of summer. With the delightful weather comes another seasonal joy: the abundance of fresh, juicy strawberries. There’s something incredibly uplifting about these vibrant red berries that perfectly complement the sunny days. Whether you’re picking them yourself, buying them from a local market,…

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mincemeat slice

Creative new dessert recipe everyone will love.

Blondie Fruit Slice! This week we’re back to something sweet and delicious! I wanted to create something initially to use up a jar of mincemeat I found when tidying the fridge. I thought about making my usual date slice but decided that would be too sweet, so I had a think and came up with this! Instead of a crumble…

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The Secret Lives of those you love.

Uncovering the Impact of Hidden Truths Today, we are looking at the ‘Life’ and ‘Health’ parts of Life Diet Health! Of course there will be a recipe or two thrown in, but what I really want you to do, is focus on yourself and those around you. In our daily lives, we often navigate a maze of social interactions, building…

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baked beans

Back to Basics – love these very simple homemade baked beans!

Beans! This week we’re going to add to our ‘back to basics’ series with the most straightforward and satisfying baked beans recipe ever! Sometimes, the simplest dishes are the most comforting, and these baked beans are no exception. Whether you’re looking for a quick side dish or a hearty addition to your breakfast, this recipe is sure to become a…

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fruity salad

Surprisingly delicious easy salad with a fruity twist.

Salad days! Sunny days call for salad and this one is a bit different to what I would usually make! A salad can be made with most things, but often we tend to think of it as something savoury consisting of standard ‘salad veg’. So I started with that as a base, then looked to see what else I had…

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millionaires shortbread

A little bit of luxury for a special event.

Millionaire’s Shortbread Bites! Last week I shared with you a new brownie recipe, and as I found some vegan condensed milk, this week I thought I’d add a new millionaire’s recipe. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know that I posted a very popular raw chocolate caramel slice recipe about 6 years ago. This recipe…

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chocolate brownie on a serving dish with fresh multicoloured strawberries

Easy to make Chocolate Brownies.

Biscuit (aka cookie) Brownies! This week’s recipe is a delightful twist on my ever-popular decadent biscoff brownie recipe. If you love brownies and biscuits (aka cookies), you’re in for a treat! These easy-to-make chocolate brownies incorporate biscuits, adding a deliciously crunchy texture to the rich, fudginess of a good brownie. I used mini Oreos and chocolate Jammie Dodgers but you…

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banana bites

Quick & easy 5 minute banana recipe.

Too many ripe bananas! How has your week been? If you’re in the UK you may have noticed the weather is having trouble making its mind up this week! One minute it’s sunbathing weather, then next the wind is howling, thunder is rumbling and the rain is pouring down! So, I’m so happy that ‘No Mow May’ has finally ended…

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Love these ideas to enjoy time to rest, recharge and rejuvenate.

Hello! I hope you’ve all had the most fabulous week! I had a sneaky little extended weekend break as it was a Bank Holiday here. So I went to discover the delights of Derbyshire and Yorkshire! This whole year has been one of ‘things to create memories’ as I may be approaching a significant milestone birthday! What an exciting break…

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bulghur salad

Your fussiest eaters will love this salad.

Salad! What do you think of when you hear the word ‘salad?’ Does it remind you of the single lettuce leaf with a wedge of soggy tomato and half a slice of cucumber served on the side of a meal? Do you think of salad as something only people trying to lose weight would eat? Well, let me tell you…

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lentil soup

Love this healing plant based soup for the soul.

Soup! I know it is supposed to be sunny and warm and summery, but when the rain comes, soup can be the perfect easy meal. This soup is my go to when I’m in need of a boost! For headaches, for fatigue, for wanting to feel healthy after eating too much cake, this soup really is for the soul! This…

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Transform your life and control pain with simple dietary changes.

Change Your Diet to Manage Your Pain Have you ever considered that what’s on your plate might be the mastermind behind your pain? Yes, your daily dinners could be secretly doubling as a ninja, fighting inflammation and pain one bite at a time – or it could be sneakily working against you. Here’s how to turn your meals into partners…

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New signature cake you have to make!

Fun new recipe! This week we’re going sweet! and a bit sweeter than that! This recipe is definitely for all those sweet-tooths! It’s fun, it’s customisable, it’s colourful and it is most delicious! How did it come about? So, I was going to make a chocolate refrigerator cake and realised that as I’d planned to use the biscuits for the…

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Find the perfect life balance whilst living in the moment.

Embrace Life! As several of my friends are approaching and celebrating milestone birthdays, it prompted me to pause and take stock of life, accomplishments, and the things that truly matter. While the hustle and bustle of daily life can easily consume us with tasks and responsibilities, it’s crucial to remember the importance of slowing down and cherishing life’s simple pleasures.…

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cookie dough

A tasty little bit of fun everyone will love.

Cookie Dough! Sometimes you just need to do something different and this week that came in the form of cookie dough! I remember baking with my late Mum and being ‘allowed’ to ‘clean’ the bowl and lick the wooden spoon, and this recipe transports me back to those days. What prompted this recipe you may ask? Well, there’s a certain…

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Love this colourful flavour burst with simple rice.

Jewelled Pilaf! Pilaf, or pilau or even pilav are not words I often use, simply because rice is not something I eat regularly! I have always been a bit cautious with rice – ever since I learnt that it’s one of the main culprits of food poisoning! So, I usually only eat if if I’ve cooked it myself and generally…

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green eyes

Happy Eye Health with good habits and trendy shades.

How’s your vision? Though vision is crucial to our daily lives, eye health is often ignored—even if it noticeably starts to worsen. In fact, four in ten Brits do just that, believing their vision is ‘good enough to get by.’ Another 62% don’t get eye issues checked if it’s possible they’ll require surgery. As a result of waiting for these problems to…

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branch of blossom with a china egg hanging

Tasty Easter weekend baking you’ll love.

Long weekend! Whilst some of you may not have the luxury of a long weekend this week, here in the UK there are two extra days to the weekend! Good Friday (tomorrow) and Easter Monday (after the weekend). Spring is really in the air and traditionally this is the time when families get together for meals – perhaps the first…

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fritters in salad bowl

Love these veggie balls!

More beans! If you read last weeks post about mung beans, you’ll know that I found a lonely jar in the pantry and created this delicious daal. This week as I still had some left, I had a play with making some veggie balls and after a bit of trial and error, managed to perfect them! Of course, you can…

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daal in a silver dish, on a navy blue plate with rice, salad and raita

Easy store-cupboard dinner idea you’ll love.

Nutrient-Rich Mung Beans: A Health Boosting Addition to Your Diet! As I was looking for dinner inspiration in the pantry, I saw a forgotten jar of dried mung beans. Now, if you’re yet to come across these, they are very small, dark green oval-shaped legumes. Mung beans, originate from South Asia, and have an impressive nutritional content. Like most beans,…

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Keeping the inside healthy to make the outside happy.

Nutrition & Hydration Week! There are several things we could have talked about today, but when I discovered that the coming week (11th March to 17th March 2024) is dedicated to nutrition and hydration, I realised this was a great opportunity to join in. Traditionally, this week is designed for health & social care settings, but we can still educate…

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Puff pastry pie

Make an easy delicious fruit pie!

Pies! This week we’re going sweet! Of course, you can have savoury pies and have them for dinner (or lunch), but today we are going easy and sweet! I already have several pie recipes on here, but this one is a bit different! Okay, so maybe you have a different name for this, but pastry and a filling is pie…

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cornish pasties

Try a new activity with pasty making.

Cornish Pasties! This week in the UK, the wind and the rain have been battering us again and comfort food is definitely high up on the list! For breakfast, I have been having porridge, changing up the fruits and toppings daily – this morning it was mango with coconut yogurt and a dusting of mixed spice, with a sprinkle of…

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homemade baked beans on toast with rocket

Is this the easiest recipe ever? Love this 2 ingredient…

Beans for your toast or jacket potatoes! Tinned baked beans are a great quick and easy food for many, but did you know they are packed with sugar and salt? Sure, it’s very easy to open a tin and make beans on toast or fill a jacket potato, but when you realise this quick and easy substitute you might rethink…

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Which great culinary festival will you choose?

Chinese New Year, Pancake Day, and Valentine’s Day This week presents us with a delightful predicament: three distinct culinary experiences vying for our attention! As we navigate through the celebrations of Chinese New Year, Pancake Day, and Valentine’s Day, each offers its unique flavours, traditions, and festivities. Choosing just one to focus on this week seems almost impossible, so instead,…

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fondue chocolate

Time for easy tasty chocolatey fun!

Chocolate Fondue! Yes indeed, we’ve gone back in time for a week! I’m blaming the local radio for this one after their chat about retro gadgets! The topic of fondue sets came up and one of the hosts was utterly baffled! Can you imagine not knowing the joy of dipping tasty treats into melty goodness? Anyway, it got me reminiscing…

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Hearty Eats for an easy Burns Night Feast

Hearty Haggis. Happy Burns Night! Celebrated annually on January 25th, Burns Night honours the life and works of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. This traditional Scottish occasion brings people together to commemorate Burns contributions to literature and culture. Celebrations include a festive supper featuring haggis usually preceded by poetry readings, especially before the haggis is served! If you want to…

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A weekend breakfast idea everyone will love

Pancakes! At the moment as the weather in the UK is very cold (-5c this morning) then porridge is generally my go to breakfast. I serve it with fruit, yogurt, a sprinkle of mixed spice and cocoa and often a splash of milk. Sometimes though, it is really nice to switch things up a bit and as I still wanted…

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chickpea and sweet potato curry in a silver dish

Whip up this quick & easy winter warmer.

Sweet Potato & Chickpea Curry! This dish was created by accident in one of those – ‘what have I got that needs using up’ moments! The great thing about this recipe, is that the sweet potato becomes the sauce base, so there is no need to spend lots of time or extra ingredients to make a nice thick sauce. The…

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An easy twist on the traditional ratatouille

Enjoy your vegetables! Firstly, Happy New Year! Whether or not you celebrated the festive season, I wish that 2024 is a great year full of happiness, health and friendship. It would also be great if you could incorporate more vegetables into your regular diet, so here is an easy dish for you to start with! Maybe you’ve munched your way…

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Reflections of the year that was 2023!

Looking back over the last 12 months! As we near the end of the year 2023, it is a great time to look back and see everything you have achieved. I am sure many of you will think of all the things you wish you had done, looking at your bucket list and rewriting it for next year! However, let’s…

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yule log

Yule love this seasonal recipe

Dessert time! Finally I have perfected this delicious dessert and I hope you will find the time to make your own! What a delightful centrepiece for any table and you most definitely want to leave room for a slice or two! I have made this all from scratch, but of course, if time is short you can grab a few…

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Add this easy recipe to your next roast

Stuffing makes everything better! This week my local radio have been discussing ‘foods that make a roast’ so I thought I would play along and really think about it! Of course, everyone has different opinions but you have to have stuffing right? The thing with stuffing is, do you have crisp and crunchy or soft and whatever the opposite of…

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rum truffles

Have yourself a merry little chocolate or three!

Chocolate Rum Truffles When I was growing up, rum truffles were always in our house at Christmas time. I remember feeling all grown up at being allowed to eat these vermicelli coated little chocolate balls and loved the fruity taste they had. Fast forward several years, and do an ingredient check on shop bought ones and well, let’s just say…

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sharing platter

Easy idea for a perfect festive season

Keep it simple! Tomorrow sees the start of December (2023) which for many brings with it lots of stress! Well, here is one idea to help you create a perfect quick and easy platter sure to please everyone. Now, the idea here is to keep it simple, so I would suggest just pulling everything suitable out of your fridge, grabbing…

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celery soup

The best things in life are free…

Waste not want not! This was not a planned recipe! Well, not entirely, but when you are gifted 4 packs of celery, correction, frozen celery (yes, that is a thing), then experimentation commences! Now, celery is not something I often buy because there are many other foods I’d rather spend my money on, but I do eat it… sometimes! I’ve…

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sausage rolls

An easy veggie twist on the traditional sausage roll

#GBBO Party Week If you are watching the Great British Bake Off (#GBBO) you will know that this week was party food week. There is so much choice for party foods, but pastries always seem to make an appearance! Now, I am a bit fussy when it comes to pastry, and much prefer the filling, even if it’s a crispy,…

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Red soup by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Sensational soup season is here

Homemade is easier than you think! I used to be very scared of making soup! My late Mum always used to make what she called ‘big soup’ which basically meant, that was dinner! You might wonder how a soup could be a whole meal, but Mum’s soup was packed full of loads of vegetables and was served with hunks of…

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roast aubergine

Use this recipe and everyone will love it

Aubergine aka Eggplant! Aubergine, also known as eggplant, is a versatile vegetable that is often overlooked without a thought. Many people have strong opinions about this intriguing vegetable, often avoiding it through previous bad experiences. Maybe you have discovered its spongy texture or its reputation for being a tasteless, bitter, or seemingly difficult vegetable to work with. Perhaps you have…

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gooey chocolate chip cookies

More useful seasonal pumpkin ideas!

Chocolate & Pumpkin Cookies! If there is a way to encourage you to eat your pumpkin, then adding chocolate has to be one of the best ways! Would you agree? This recipe was created after I tried very hard to convince someone that painting or stickering, rather than carving a pumpkin is the new way to go! Chocolate is the…

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assorted pumpkins

Get ready for a tasty waste free pumpkin season!

October! This time of year is becoming much more popular in the UK and already I have driven past several fields full of orange, white, green, yellow and stripy pumpkins and squashes of varying shapes and sizes! Hopefully, the days of carving an orange pumpkin, then discarding it are behind us all and you are a bit more #FoodSavvy with…

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chickpeas in heart shaped dish

The meal for when you don’t know what to cook!

Chana Saag! When you open the fridge and realise that everything needs peeling, chopping and cooking, but you are hungry right now so think you’ll reach for the biscuits instead… remember this recipe! If you follow this blog, you might know that chickpeas are one of my staple store-cupboard ingredients as they are so versatile, full of protein and quick…

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poached pear

Love this quick & easy in season healthy dessert

Poached Pears! I am surprised! I am funny with pears! I am a bit of a pear snob, only electing to eat one particular variety and only if they are almost rock solid! Why then, would I even try this recipe? Well, there are only so many pears you can eat raw and I just thought I would have an…

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chop suey

Quickly whip up this delicious fake-away great for leftovers

Chop Suey! This is something I might have when we order a Chinese takeaway (along with Salt & Chilli tofu) so when my friend said she had some fresh beansprouts going spare this was the obvious choice. When I say some, well, let’s just say big supermarket could you order less please!!! Of course, if you’re yet to check out…

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salad with dressing

Quick & Easy way to pimp your salad!

End of summer As the weather changes and the summer weather changes to autumnal vibes, it is all too easy to suddenly forget about buying and eating salad in favour of root vegetables and squashes. However, for a quick lunch when the weather is still warm but a bit grey and drizzly, adding something to ‘pimp’ your salad can make…

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beignets or sfenj with icing sugar on a wire rack

Dessert they’ll love you to add to your staples!

Sfenj! Whatever goes in in the world, people still manage to carry on and just get on with things! This week a recipe was shared with me for these Moroccan pastries. Whilst a literal translation is likely to bring up ‘donuts’, or indeed ‘sponge’ these are basically rings of unsweetened fried dough. As you may know, I prefer my foods…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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fig tart

You will absolutely love this dessert!

Fresh fig tart! What do you get if you have a load of figs and a spare roll of puff pastry? You get the most delicious dessert ever! Okay, so fresh figs off the tree are one of the most delicious desserts and yes, do eat them like that too but make this dessert and wow! Just wow! This dessert…

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tomatoes growing on the vine

The best solution for all your fresh tomatoes

Summer produce! If you are fortunate enough to have space to grow your own fruit and vegetables, likely is, if you’re in the UK, you are now starting to see all those green tomatoes starting to turn orange, then red, ready for picking. Maybe you have gone fancy with stripy tomatoes, or even tried your hand at growing black tomatoes…

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ice lollies and palm trees

Summer fun with easy to make lollies.

Coconut & chocolate lollies. What says summer more than ice cold lollies? If you’re in the UK, you’ll be well aware that sunny summer days are very few and far between, so we have to make the most of them before they slip away! With just a handful of simple ingredients, you can easily create these delicious lollies to capture…

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corn ribs

Try corn this way and everyone will love you more!

Corn Ribs! You may have seen corn ribs on menus recently and wondered what they are and if they are worth it? Well, let me tell you, this is definitely a superior way to cook corn! The extra preparation to make these is totally worth the effort and I recommend you go get some corn right now! As with most…

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apple turnovers

Something easy & tasty for your weekend

Apple Turnovers! If you are the more experienced side of forty years old, you may remember that choice in supermarkets used to be very limited. Independent shops were everywhere and you visited the greengrocer, the butchers and the bakers to get your vegetables, meat and pastries. Of course, you can still do that today and I would definitely encourage supporting…

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seasonal summer soup

Make this delicious soup full of seasonal produce

Soup in summer! You may think that soup is only for the Winter months, but when you have a glut of homegrown produce, soup is a great easy nourishing meal to make. In the UK, it is time for courgettes (zucchini), aubergines and beans to be harvested, with some tomatoes and peppers almost ready too! What a fantastic way to…

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barbecue with hot coals

Love these great barbecue ideas

Summer! In the UK, as soon as the sun comes out, the air is filled with the smell of charcoal as people get their barbecues out. If you’re like us, the sun just makes it so we can sit around outside – the barbecue works on dull days too! Sometimes we just use the barbecue to cook dinner – whatever…

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Thai yellow curry in a white bowl with a navy blue background

Love a little spice, a lot of taste!

Thai style yellow curry If you’ve been following my blog for some time, you may recall that I used to have a very different idea of making curry! What I’ve since discovered is that they are really easy if you know what you’re doing! This Thai style yellow curry was a new method to me, but it is certainly one…

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chermoula in a white bowl

Try something new to elevate your meals

Chermoula. This fantastic sauce is such a versatile ingredient, I wonder why it has taken me so long to use it! You can use this Chermoula as a dip, a sauce or a marinade. You can eat it as it is, or you can cook it. You can spice it up or leave the spice out. Traditionally this is a…

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quinoa in a glass bowl with blueberries

Surprise quinoa like you’ve never had it before

Quinoa Pudding! The word ‘pudding’ means different things to different people. You might instantly think of a suet based pie as a pudding? Perhaps, you buy one of the range of flavours of something called ‘puding’ in a packet which you make up like a blancmange or custard? Maybe, like me, ‘pudding’ is a word associated with a milky dessert…

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Greek salad in a dish

Love this homemade Greek salad.

Summer weather is perfect for salads! Sometimes it’s easy to stick with what you know and that’s where this Greek salad comes in! If you’ve ever holidayed in Greece, the Greek Islands, Cyprus or even Turkey, likely you have eaten this tasty salad full of delicious fresh produce. Of course, there will always be variations and it is common to…

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three layers of sponge cake with orange icing

Do something which makes you happy.

Failsafe baking! Today I was going to share a recipe for ice-cream, as the weather has been lovely and warm recently in the UK, but the problem is, taking photos! So, instead I decided to share a few of our regular go-to failsafe recipes we use all the time! The recipes There are two bakes we make all the time,…

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individual lemon tart with whipped cream and raspberries on a pretty plate

Love a twist on custard with Lemon Tarts

Bite sized desserts Sometimes, especially when the weather is hotting up (we’ve had 29c in UK this week), it’s nice to have mini individual desserts. Two things make bite sized desserts preferable over larger ones (or maybe 3); firstly, they look presentable at all times, secondly they are very easy to customise for each persons preferences and thirdly, they are…

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assembled veggie burger on a blue plate. Burger held together with heart topped metal spike.

Quickly whip up these 6 ingredient veggie burgers.

Super speedy burgers. Sometimes it is all too easy to click a few buttons on your phone and order a takeaway when you are too tired to cook and fancy a burger! I’m sure I’m not the only one who has spent a small fortune thinking I am being clever, then immediately being disappointed when a sub-par burger in a…

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snack bars

Make these easy snack bars and save some pennies!

Snack Bars How often do you need a snack to tide you over between meals? Do you always throw a snack in your bag or car before you go out? Are you the one who always wants something to snack on mid morning or mid afternoon, or even late at night? Maybe you are an emotional eater? Do you open…

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Have a break, cook something easy!

We are all different! Of course we are all different, but what has that to do with cooking something easy? Well, for one, what I think is easy might be very complicated to you, likewise, what you think is quick, might take me forever! Classifying easy If I knew the answer to that, I would be able to complete everything…

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Asparagus ideas you need to try before the season ends.

Asparagus! At this time of year in the UK, you are likely to see asparagus on menus as the short season arrives. You may be familiar with lightly steamed green asparagus served as part of brunch dishes, or served as a side for dinner, but this vegetable comes in three main colours: green, white and purple. All the varieties are…

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tacos leftovers

Save money with these top five ideas for leftovers!

Use what you have! With the prices of food steadily increasing, now more than ever many people are finding they have less money to spend on everyday items. That said, there is still tonnes of food thrown away daily, either through lack of planning or awareness of the issues. How much food do people throw food away? Food waste is…

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bundt cake vegan

Easily make this cake fit for a King!

Coronation Weekend This weekend (Saturday, May 6th 2023), the UK will celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Although for many people, it is just an extra day off (an new Bank Holiday has been added on Monday 8th May), others are planning events to commemorate the occasion. The event will have significant television and radio coverage as the new…

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blueberry pie

Did you know blueberries are great for pie?!

Blueberry Pie Day! If you are in the USA this may come of no surprise, but here in the UK blueberry pie is something you may not have heard of, let alone tried! Every year, 28th April (this year on Friday) marks National Blueberry Pie day! Well, I love blueberries and I love pie, so I thought absolutely we will…

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This weekend surprise your neighbours with Eid wishes

Eid! This weekend will see the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. Once the new moon is sighted, the festival of Eid will start. Eid is a major religious holiday celebrated by Muslims around the world and is a time for celebration, feasting, and gift-giving. This year (2023) it is expected to be on Friday 21st April or…

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beans on toast

It’s easy to make your own delicious baked beans

Beans. What do you think of when you think of beans? How about when you think of beans on toast? If I asked about a jacket potato and beans? If you are in the UK, likely is, there is a certain brand of beans in a tin you will think of whenever you think of beans! Of course, there is…

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Treat someone you love with these easy chocolate truffles.

Chocolate. Today as this is typically known as Easter week, I had great plans of sharing some chocolate recipes with you… but I might have eaten everything I made before they saw the camera! Instead, I will give you a very quick easy and tasty recipe for some nutty chocolate truffles! Chocolate Truffles by Pelageia Zelenina on Pexels The Chocolate…

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fruit salad

Let’s get deliciously fruity with an easy fruit salad.

Fruits. How often do you buy fruit with all the good intentions in the world, but then forget about it until it’s getting past its best? Well, I have a solution for you! Go and check out your fruit bowl now. Open your fridge and see what you have hiding in there! Take it all out and put it in…

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cheese scones

Whip up these delicious cheese scones in 20 minutes

Scones. Sometimes, I want something savoury that’s quick to prepare, but not necessarily toast (with Marmite)! This weekend was one of those occasions and after a very quick think, I decided to whip up a batch of these delicious cheese scones! Made with just a few simple ingredients, including vegan cheese, butter, milk and flour, these scones are so quick…

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hasselback potatoes

New ideas for the humble potato

Potatoes! Potatoes are one of the most versatile and beloved vegetables in the world. They are a staple in many diets and can be prepared in a multitude of ways. Whether you prefer them baked, fried, mashed, boiled, or roasted, potatoes are a delicious addition to any meal. If you are vegan, potatoes can be a great source of nutrition…

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plant based

Can I challenge you to add more nutrients & delicious…

Tempted by a Challenge? This morning I joined a discussion about adding more plant based foods into the diet and the #eat30 challenge was mentioned. Before you get in a panic and think I am going to suggest you eat 30 different portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, haha (could you?) let me explain. This challenge is not…

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Grab some seasonal vegetables and love your local shops

Vegetable Shortages! As I have been vegetarian for well over 30 years and a vegan food blogger for several of those, I am generally able to create a recipe from whatever vegetables I have on hand. Sometimes, I forget that other people need ideas and inspiration, and this blog post idea was a request from one of my lovely friends…

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pancake stack

Get ready for pancake day with the best pancakes

Pancake day. Happy Pancake Day! Today Tuesday 21st February 2023 is Pancake Day! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, this is an annual event celebrated in the UK and several other countries around the world. The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates back to the Middle Ages when people would use up ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar before…

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Spread the love this Valentines Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day to celebrate love, in all its forms. Whether you are in a relationship, single, or simply enjoy the love you have for yourself and those around you, this is a day to embrace and appreciate all that love brings into our lives. For those in relationships, Valentine’s Day can be a special opportunity…

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Make delicious pizza everyone will love and celebrate pizza day.

World Pizza Day Tomorrow, Thursday 9th February 2023, is World Pizza Day! 🍕 Pizza, as a universally loved food, has many different variations around the world and this day is dedicated to celebrating all things pizza! I apologise to my Italian friends who have their own Pizza Day in January – feel free to join in this one too! How…

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yorkshire pudding

Get ready for delicious egg free Yorkshire Puddings!

Yorkshire Pudding Day! Well, did you know there was such a thing!? Apparently, the first UK Yorkshire Pudding Day was in 2007, and it is now observed annually on the first Sunday of February. This year, it falls this weekend, on Sunday 5th February 2023. History of the Pudding The history of Yorkshire puddings can be traced back to the…

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Even vegans can love burns night.

What is Burns Night? Burns Night is a traditional Scottish holiday that celebrates the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the country’s national poet. If you’re following a vegan lifestyle, or partaking in Veganuary, you may be wondering how to celebrate this holiday without eating any animal products. There are always alternatives of course and there are plenty of delicious…

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chinese new year

Tasty Ideas for Chinese New Year.

Year of the Rabbit. Chinese New Year is a time for celebration and delicious food, and as it falls in Veganuary this year, you will probably discover several new plant-based options in the shops that are perfect for this special occasion. However, if you wish to make your own special feast, have a look at these ideas. What is Chinese…

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The simplest way to eat better.

Change your habits! This week I have had several conversations with people trying to restrict what they eat post festive season. Then in the next breath, they have moaned about the food they are missing out on! So, why not try something different instead? When it comes to eating better, most people worry about the little details: Yet they eat…

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slow cooker

Love your slow cooker

Make it easy! A little bit of simplicity to make our days easier is something we can all do with from time to time. If you are yet to buy a slow cooker – or dig it out from the back of the cupboard, you really should think about it! A slow cooker is just as it says – it…

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Love yourself in 2023!

Get ready! The new year is coming! Now is the time to think about your plans, your life and moving forward. 2022 is almost over and I for one am looking forward to what lies ahead! Planning. It is time to plan for the future! Your future! Yes, I will add in the fail to plan, is planning to fail!…

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festive greetings

Wishing everyone festive fun, love & happiness

Season’s Greetings! Thank you all for your continued support, reading, commenting, liking and sharing my posts. I am hoping if you are celebrating Christmas that you already have your menu planned! Here a few suggestions if you are still pondering though! The main event! You could make your own plant based meat substitute or if nuts are more your thing,…

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ginger cookies

Bake some seasonal cookies everyone will love.

Baking to do. If you are anything like me, you have 101 things to be getting on with at this time of year, so I will try to keep this short! Of course, one of those things includes baking and at this time of year, besides anything and everything mincemeat, it has to be cookies! Dreaming of the delicious aromas…

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pumpkin soup

Magic yourself more time with this delicious 2 ingredient soup!

Time. This time of year there are so many things to be getting on with that sometimes everyday food almost gets forgotten! There are cards to write (oops)! Presents to buy. Decorations to put up. Invites to respond to. Nativities, concerts and pantomimes to attend! Or maybe assignments to finish and exams to take. There are travel plans, dinner menus…

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ginger and lemon

Boost your health with these simple to make natural shots

Winter is here. December is here and as well as all the seasonal foods, decorations and activities, it also brings the colds, coughs and flu. This year, keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and well by looking ahead. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and these health shots give a great natural boost to your immune…

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food waste

Love budget meals, hate food waste.

Cost of Living Crisis. Whether you are personally affected, or if you are concerned about someone who might be, it is fair to say this is being talked about. Maybe you think the rising costs are just a part of life and you’re okay, but you can still do your bit for food waste! Food is one of those commodities…

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18 cake

You will love this cake! Chocolate? Plain? Iced?

All grown up! This week is all about reminiscing. Thinking about all the good times that have been had over the last eighteen years! Yes, finally my little boy is going to be an official adult! So we need cake! Of course we need cake! Over the years we have had photo cakes, themed cakes, sporty cakes, chequered cakes, and…

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Delicious easy recipe for more mushrooms than you can eat!

Mushroom Houmous This week I thought I would try something new! Of course, if mushrooms are something you prefer to leave, then try my regular houmous instead! Why mushroom houmous? Well, as many of you know, I hate food waste, and when I saw loads of mushrooms available on the food sharing app Olio, I had to rescue some! Many…

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dear bed i love you

How can losing sleep cause you to eat more?

Find your ideal sleep schedule. Today we are going to talk about sleep! What is that I hear you say? Oh yes, I am with you there! Whether you have young children who wake you up several times a night; older (noisy) children who keep you up late; a pet that decides to sit on your face in the middle…

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crispy squares

4 ingredient easy Halloween snack with marshmallow and chocolate

Crispy Squares. Sometimes a little bit of reminiscing is a great thing! When I was younger, we used to make all kinds of sweet foods. One of my favourites that my late Mum used to make was a crispy chocolate cereal base topped with angel delight. Apt for this time of year, it was usually a green topping (mint flavoured),…

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Focus and make time for all delicious things Seasonal!

Pumpkins! Green pumpkins! White pumpkins! Yellow pumpkins! Stripy pumpkins! Okay, and orange pumpkins! Firstly, if you have a pumpkin field, farm or farm shop near you. Go and have a look! There are so many different varieties of pumpkin, each with their own unique flavour profile. Some pumpkins (aka squash) taste like courgette, some like marrow (there’s other things I…

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veg soup

The Soup for a tasty, quick & easy energy boost!

Cream of Greens. Have you ever tasted a deliciously creamy soup and wished you could replicate it? I have discovered, that many people are too scared to make their own soup, and I myself recently witnessed a very poor attempt. However, once you have the know how, you will wonder why you ever bought all those tins, cartons and packets!…

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apple pie

You will absolutely love this Pie!

Pie! Last week I hosted my annual Macmillan coffee morning. Firstly, thank you if you attended, or if you donated, or both! As usual I thought we needed more food, so of course, I had a few spare ideas ready just in case. So I had made a pastry case. It was pre baked and ready. It needed filling. Of…

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coffee and cake

Cake, cake and more cake! Support a Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Macmillan Coffee Morning If you are in the UK, you are probably aware that the end of September is always when Macmillan Cancer Support host their coffee morning weekend. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you will know that it has become an annual event for us. You can check out our 2020 Macmillan coffee morning here,…

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Love your jam and easily make delicious variations too

Jam. When I think of jam, I think of strawberry jam spread on toast, or raspberry jam tarts, neither of which I have ever enjoyed! Growing up, we were more a Marmite on toast family, with a giant jar always in the cupboard. Or, we had cheese on toast, or beans on toast. I think jam in our house was…

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red velvet cupcakes

Bake off is back: Love this red velvet cake

Cake. There is always time for cake. Cake for birthdays. Coffee morning cakes. Cake for parties. Afternoon tea cakes. Cake for bake off! So, the Great British Bake Off is back for another series so today I’m sharing a current recipe with you! Red Velvet cake is ‘velvet’ due to the texture of the crumb being softer than a traditional…

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tomatoes and peppers

Easy idea to use up tomatoes ready in 10 minutes

Tomatoes & Peppers. Summer in the UK usually brings an abundance of tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes, but the recent hot weather has also brought peppers too! Whilst eating freshly grown produce raw in salads and sandwiches is fantastic, sometimes you can have too much of a good thing, and need a few ideas to switch things up! My tomato plants…

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Quick & Easy filling snack idea everyone will love.

Jammy Flapjacks. This delicious recipe was created as I just wanted something different! Do you ever get that feeling when you have no idea what you want to eat? I just wanted something sweet, easy to make and suitable for everyone, hence, this delicious jammy flapjack was created. This recipe can be dairy free, gluten free and vegan so it’s…

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stop and smell the roses

Scheduling a bit of Me Time can be magic!

Self Care. Sometimes, we get so busy looking after everyone else, we forget about ourselves! I would like you just to think about that. Just for a minute. What have you done for you today? Maybe you are all about you and have already had your ‘me’ time. Perhaps you are so busy at work, or looking after others, that…

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chia pudding

Make a quick & tasty healthy snack with chia.

Chia Seeds. If you are in the UK, you may recall chia seeds as quite a recent product. When I showed one of my friends them however, she remembered having them daily in her home country about 30 years ago! Chia seeds were until recently, always imported, but now they have been grown successfully in the UK. What do I…

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picnic board

Pack an amazing picnic so good everyone will want yours!

Picnics. Pack a picnic and head outside! Go to a park, a beach, a forest, even round a friends or in your own garden or allotment! Grab your food, plenty of drink, weather appropiate gear – hats and suncream or wellies and raincoats! Off you go! The Picnic Contents! Anything! Yes, absolutely anything goes on a picnic! You might automatically…

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ice cream in cones

Cool down with this easy 10 minute healthy ice cream

Healthy Ice-Cream Yes! You can most definitely have those two words – healthy, and ice-cream in the same sentence! You can even add in delicious if you wish! Of course, you can have regular ice-cream as part of a well balanced diet, but this recipe gives you a health boost too! The Ice-Cream Recipe The main ingredient of this ice-cream…

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be positive

Be Positive… Say no!

A contradiction? Today, I am leaving this open for discussion! Positivity Are you a positive person or a negative person? Have you ever thought about it? How would your friends and family describe you? Do you see the good in everything? Do you always notice the bad things? Are you great at seeing both sides of the story? Language Your…

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salad bowl

Create a home salad bar with delicious texture, taste and colour

Salads. Hopefully you are way past the thought of salad being lettuce, tomato and a slice of cucumber, possibly with a sprinkle of cress! Maybe you are in the next stage where you add a bit of carrot, sweetcorn, beetroot, pepper or onion – a bit like a cheap and cheerful restaurant salad bar. Either way, both are good for…

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tofu with greens

Quick and easy five minute protein and vitamin packed lunch

Homegrown greens. Now is growing season! Whether you have an allotment, a vegetable patch, or a window box, now is when you start seeing all your efforts rewarded. Some things, grow much quicker than others and any type of greens is one of those things! The great thing about allotments, apart from the obvious space, is that other plot holders…

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lemon cake

Luscious lemon cake with a healthy hidden vegetable twist

Hidden veg! When you think of hidden vegetables in cake, you might automatically think of carrot cake. Well, that carrot is not so hidden but it does make for a really delicious cake! If you look back at historic cake recipes, you will find there are numerous many recipes which use vegetables. I used to use a delicious chocolate mud…

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cabbage & potato

The humble cabbage easily transformed into a delightfully tasty dish

Easy vegetable dish. Well… this was something unexpected and different even for me! Someone asked me if I wanted some ‘salad’ that had been left and thinking the guinea pigs would like it I thought that was an unexpected bonus. The ‘salad’ however was three (yes three)! pointed head cabbages! Not entirely what I was expecting, but having just heard…

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happy jubilee

Relax and have yourself a memorable Happy Jubilee Weekend.

Happy Jubilee Weekend! Happy Jubilee Weekend everyone! In the U.K. it is a long weekend with not one, but two bank holidays, starting today Thursday 2nd June 2022. This special weekend is to celebrate the reign of the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II. 70 years! Take that in! Congratulations Your Majesty! There are so many events planned over this…

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victoria sponge

Victoria sponge cake recipe you’ll love for your Jubilee party

Strawberries, Cream & Cake. Locally grown strawberries have begun to appear in the shops here and what is more perfect them piling them on a cake! Whilst the taste of shop bought strawberries is less superior than ones grown at home, they do still smell and taste of Summer. Strawberries and cream seem to go together so well but do…

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roasted cauliflower

Try this simple cauliflower recipe to reignite your passion for veg

Cauliflower. This easily recognisable and widely available vegetable is much more versatile than you think! Gone are the days when cauliflower is just boiled in a pan, the result being a mush of white non-descript food. Cauliflower is one of those vegetables which soaks up flavours and can be prepared in so many different ways. Are you aware that cauliflower…

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Make quick & easy biryani for a delicious Eid meal

Biryani. Biryani used to be something which I only ever saw on restaurant menus. I would be very confused when I ordered it and received vegetable curry and vegetable rice! I never understood what biryani was then! Anyway, a few decades later and I know now that biryani is a rice dish! A very tasty rice dish! I am posting…

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energy balls

Delicious quick and easy protein snacks to make now

Energy Balls. A quick and easy snack recipe for you today. I love making these protein snacks and vary the ingredients depending on what I have in and what I feel like eating. No recipe as such, instead some energy ball ideas to get you experimenting! If that scares you and you feel like you need a bit more help,…

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hot cross buns

Three different ways to get your delicious hot cross bun flavour

Hot Cross Buns. The aroma of a traditional hot cross bun is something which is easy to recognise and instantly makes you think of Easter. When I was growing up, I remember my best friends Mum making Hot Cross Buns and we would wait patiently for the fruity spiced buns to be ready. Of course, I always wondered why she…

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mushroom burger on a plate

Try mushrooms to easily make the most delicious Vegan Burger

Vegan Burgers. The great thing about vegan burgers is the fact that you can use almost any ingredient and create something which resembles a burger. Usually, I would use a tofu, bean or chickpea base to bind my ingredients together, this time I have used oats. Mushrooms are a great ‘meaty’ substitute and I often chop a handful, fry them…

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happy mothers day

Five simple ideas for mothers day gifts she’ll love

Mothering Sunday In 2022 in the UK, Mothers Day, or Mothering Sunday as it is officially known falls on Sunday 27th March. Mothers Day is a time to celebrate everything Mum! All the things Mum helps you with, the things she does for you, the advice she gives you. Whether you call your Mum, Mum, Mother, Mummy, Mom, Mommy, Ma,…

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baked oats

Swap your daily porridge and fall in love with delicious Baked Oats

Oats. Rolled oats, porridge oats, steel cut oats, pinhead oats, whatever you call your oats, one thing is sure, they are good for you! Oats are traditionally seen as a carbohydrate, but they do contain a healthy amount of protein too! Oats also contain fibre called beta-glucan which helps you feel fuller, slows the rate of digestion and can also…

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Make this oh so simple but delicious Guacamole to share

Avocado. Guacamole is something we make quite a bit at home, often without a recipe, just adjusting as we go until it tastes delicious. You might be thinking, but avocado? Yes, as much as I love guacamole, I am definitely a marmite on my toast kind of girl! To me, an avocado should only be eaten mixed with something else!…

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vegan meatballs

Vegan Swedish meatballs everyone will love you to make at home

Swedish Meatballs aka Vegan Burgers As with most things in the Life Diet Health kitchen, these started out without a clue what they would become! After tasting the diced vegetables as they cooked, I knew with that wonderful flavour they could easily become something much greater than the bolognese I had planned. So my dinner plans went out the window…

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heart shaped cookies

7 Valentine’s ideas to show someone how much you love them

Valentine’s Ideas It is the time of year again when everywhere around us there are adverts for chocolates, flowers, perfume and jewellery. If you are in love, particularly a new love, this one day in the year can potentially make or break your relationship. Those in a long term relationship appear to have very differing views. Some people see it…

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penne pasta

Back to Basics: Quick & Easy Pasta everyone can make

Easy Pasta One of the foods cooked most often in my house, is probably pasta. At least once, if not two or even three times a week, pasta is requested! When you are short of time and want something quick, easy, cheap and filling, pasta is the answer! Any type of pasta can be used, just use whatever you have.…

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stew in cumplings in a white bowl

Five comforting winter recipes to warm you up

Comfort Foods I have some lovely new recipes to post including some vegan kofte, a vegetable hotpot, a cheesy topped pie and a few others, but the lack of good daylight means my photos leave a lot to be desired! So, today we will take a look back at some previous recipes. As the weather in the UK is still…

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red soup with yogurt and pumpkin seeds

Try this healthy warming carrot and lentil soup for #veganuary

Soup Weather, perfect for Veganuary For those of us in the UK, the weather is definitely cold enough to be classed as soup weather! I already have several soup recipes on here, but this recipe is a new one I have recently created and taken a liking to! The Soup Recipe This recipe has a base of carrots and red…

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seared lettuce with yogurt dressing and pomegranate

Lettuce can be more exciting than you think! Learn to love it!

Little Gems! I know it is January and it’s more soup, stew, casserole and pie weather, but we still need to get our vegetables in for those all important vitamins and minerals. Now, I would not usually recommend what I am going to, but this is too good not to do! Why lettuce though? There is a food sharing app…

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fail to plan logo

Happy New Year, Resolutions or not? and Veganuary

Goodbye 2021! At last 2021 has come to the end! For some it may have whizzed by like many another year, but if you sit and think of everything that has happened this year… you may find it has indeed stretched on for far too long! Those who know me will know the trials and tribulations that have come with…

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mini wellingtons with salad

Wishing you Happy Holidays & Season’s Greetings… and Eatings!

Vegan Wellington Firstly, I would like to wish you all a wonderful festive season, full of happiness, laughter, and good health. The recipe I am sharing today is a great one for saving time! Why? This base recipe can be made for a delicious vegetarian or vegan base, then made into different dishes. Originally I was making a plant based…

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gingerbread stars

Add some seasonal spirit to your baking with easy gingerbread cookies

Gingerbread Cookies It’s the season where everything is gingerbread flavoured! Happy me! I love gingerbread! The scent of them baking fills the air with a warmth and happy memories of winter holidays. Whether you make individual cookies or get adventurous and design your own gingerbread house, this recipe is perfect for a quick and easy ginger bake! The Gingerbread Cookie…

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winter salad in white bowl

Give yourself a healthy boost with this seasonal warm winter salad

Warm Winter Salad There are so many seasonal recipes I could have posted, but I decided to go with a lighter healthier option and make a winter salad. I have used the Brussels sprout as the star of this dish and put different flavours together than I have before! These ingredients complement each other really well, and each brings its…

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sliced bread on a navy plate

Use yer loaf and make this delicious simple bread

Oat Loaf I’m having a bit of a giggle to myself as I write this as my late Dad always used to say ‘use yer loaf’! Maybe it was because anything that needed fixing or building came so easily to him; or maybe I was just a bit slow responding to his requests of “butt the 2-by-2 up to the…

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cheese straws in white heart dish

You might need a double batch of these delicious cheese straws

Cheese Straws Are you young enough to have grown up with cheese straws? Or were you more of the breadstick era? My late Mum always used to make cheese straws. I recall helping her roll out the dough then cutting sticks and circles, and circles within circles to create rings. The aroma that filled the kitchen when cooking was so…

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vegan chicken chunk with sesame seeds

Try not fried, not chicken, and love this meat free version.

Not Chicken One of my favourite vegan ‘meat’ alternatives has to be chicken. Now, I’ve not actually eaten real chicken for over 30 years so I’m guessing I actually have no idea what it tastes like and I just like vegan chicken! I can eat it any way – sliced plain, tikka style chunks, breaded, battered, and anything inbetween. A…

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baba ganoush

Try these aubergine recipes to find a new love

Aubergines or Eggplants It always amazes me when people confuse aubergines with courgettes! So many times I have been asked at the checkout ‘these are courgettes right?’ or even asked ‘what are these?’ So, let’s get this straight. Aubergines are most often black or purple, shiny skinned and usually a bit bulbous. When buying you should look for bright and…

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spiced muffins

5 delicious recipes you’ll love for Apple Day

Apple Day Today (Thursday 21 October 2021) is Apple Day in the UK! What is apple day? Founded in 1990, apple day was created to celebrate all things apples and orchards. In the UK, you will find many events celebrating this – often tied in with pumpkin activities too. Our local park has held an apple day for many years…

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pesto pasta bows on a white plate

Simple pesto pasta they’ll love & want again and again

Pesto Pasta If there is one thing in our house made on repeat and at least once a week, it is pasta! We do make our own pasta when time permits, but having a jar of dried pasta in the pantry makes for a quick, tasty and easy meal. There are a few recipes which are used frequently, but pesto…

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Banana blossom stew in white dish

Is it fish or is it not fish easy onepot dinner

A new challenge this week as my friend Tina asked me to create her a new healthy recipe using fish! I wanted to make this recipe accessible to as many people as possible, so I have made it so very simple as a onepot dish! The flavours in this dish are reminiscent of a Portugeuse fish dish I had many…

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quinoa salad in a white square bowl

Batch cook tasty lunch for everyone with this easy quinoa

Quinoa Lunch Bowl Quinoa is one of those foods which is still relatively new to the UK. If you are unfamiliar with the pronunciation it is ‘keen-wah’. Quinoa is a great nutritious food, full of protein – which is especially great on a plant based diet as it contains all 9 essential amino acids. This little wholegrain (althought technically a…

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vegan lasagne on a plate

Fool the meat eaters with this easy Meat Free Lasagne

Meat-Free Lasagne Lasagne is one of those dishes I grew up with. My late Mum used to make it quite often and I used to love the creamy sauce, the umami savoury layer and the crunchy edges of the pasta which had poked out the top and caught in the oven. Mum’s version was the traditional meat and cheese lasagne,…

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creme caramel and nuts

Make delicious dairy free Creme Caramel to enjoy at home

Creme Caramel Growing up, this one one dessert my late Mum would make often. Instead of creme caramel, we used to call it Carmella – in fact, that’s what you will find me calling it at home. Whatever you call it, this is a smooth and creamy dessert which is very easy to eat! The caramel topping gives added depth…

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scrambled tofu

5 ways to learn to cook tofu everyone will love

Five different ways with tofu I used to think tofu was something I could live without! When I learnt how to prepare and cook tofu properly, I realised that tofu is tasty, versatile and definitely something I need! Here I am going to share five different ways with tofu which I hope you will love as much as I do.…

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egg custard tart

No-egg egg custard tarts

No-egg egg custard tarts These no-egg egg custard tarts came about by accident. I was looking in the fridge and I saw there was more milk than usual. Normally, I would make a cheese sauce to go with my vegetables, but as the weather has been warm, I have been eating salads. So, I decided to make custard instead –…

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chopped enchilada

Enchiladas everyone will love at first bite done easy

Enchiladas Enchiladas are something we eat a lot in our house! Apart from the fact that we love all Mexican food – especially loaded nachos and meat free chilli, enchiladas are a great food to please everyone. What are enchiladas? Traditionally, enchiladas are a Mexican food comprising of a soft corn tortilla, filled with meat, beans, potatoes and/or vegetables, covered…

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overnight oats with blackberries

Back to Basics: Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats Quite some time ago, I started a Back to Basics section on here for foods which I am so used to making that I sometimes forget that others might not know where to start! In the winter I love my porridge, but now the weather is sunny, and although I love pancakes, sometimes you just need something quick…

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naan bread

Naan Bread

I am a bread fiend! I love bread! Any type of bread! White bread, granary bread, thick bread, thin bread, toasted bread, crispy bread and naan bread. I created this recipe a while ago, and thought I would share it today – rather than not share a recipe at all! I have been busy and I almost… I said ‘almost’…

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panna cotta

Make this delicious vegan banana panna cotta and eat it all yourself!

Banana Panna Cotta Bananas! I love bananas! I eat at least one every day, sometimes two, maybe even three! Bananas are a great snack food as they are ready to eat, give you a boost of energy and, contain potassium which (amongst other things) is needed for muscles (including the heart)! I’ve been playing with a different ingredient recently, and…

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chilli in a tortilla bowl on a navy blue plate

Meat free versatile bean chilli recipe everyone will love

Two Bean Chilli This is an easily adaptable recipe which you can customise to your tastes and what you have in the fridge or pantry! I made this to go in a burger (yes, I really did)! as I wanted something different! Next time I’ll have it with a plain burger rather than a Jalapeno burger! I like spice. Just…

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coffee, cake and a good book

Make these unbelievably delicious Blondies for everyone to enjoy

Cherry Blondies Cherries! I absolutely love cherries! When I lived in Budapest, I discovered their love of plump deep dark purple juicy cherries. Sold in paper bags at the side of the road, these cherries were absolutely glorious. Unfortunately, I am still to find any that even closely resemble these, but I still love cherries! Friday 16th July is National…

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cookies on a tray

To-do list Pistachio and Chocolate Cookies you will love

Chocolate & Pistachio Cookies Cookies are one of those things that I absolutely love. More than cake. If you search cookies on my blog, you will find loads of recipes for crunchy cookies, soft cookies, chocolate cookies, shortbread (does that count as a cookie?) and many more. Did you know you can use the recipe bar to see all similar…

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veg curry in silver dish

Make this easy Okra Curry to tantalise everyones tastebuds

Okra Curry Curry is one of those foods which I thought was only for buying from a take-away or restaurant. When a few of my Bengali friends explained their cooking methods to me, I decided to experiment and ever since then, I use curry as a quick and easy dish! You can use a blended spice mix for this (curry,…

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fruit snacks and flowers

Who wants customisable delicious quick and easy fruit snacks?

Fruit Snacks Fruit is great as it is and any fruit snacks would always be my first choice, especially at this time of year when the berries are ripening in the garden right before your eyes! I have an abundance of strawberries and raspberries which even though I pick constantly seem to reappear hourly! Gooseberries, redcurrants and mulberries are on…

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tropical vegan cake on a plate with white flowers

Share the enjoyment of summer with this Tropical Vegan Cake

Tropical Vegan Cake I thought it was about time to have a new cake! There’s always a reason for cake! A birthday (yes mine)!; a thank you (yes, you!); coffee with a friend (who’s coming?); or just because you deserve it (that will be me too at the minute)! Why a tropical cake? Well, I thought I should try something…

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In memory. My Mum. Superwoman.

No recipe today, just some flowers in memory of my late mother. Today (Thursday 10th June 2021) is her funeral service. Recipes will be back next week! (you can find an index of recipes here)! I love this song and Flowers were one of Mum’s favourite things. There were always flowers in the house, and in the garden. Here is…

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green veg in sauce on white plate

How to make Green Vegetables everyone will love.

How to make Green Vegetables everyone will love Green vegetables! We know we should eat more, but sometimes more kale is the last thing you fancy eating! Green vegetables are full of Vitamins such as A, C and K, and also contain iron, potassium, folate, calcium and a whole host of other nutrients! Green vegetables are often referred to as…

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plant based carbonara

You will really love this midweek super quick Spaghetti Carbonara

Super quick vegan Carbonara Dinnertime! How often do you say that? or hear that? Well, after a shopping trip at the weekend, where some fresh pasta was bought, that is what I heard! However, the fresh pasta of course, contained egg, so it was not for me! I needed something I could make quickly so we could eat together and…

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brownie cookies with peanut butter sandwiched between

Boost your daily energy with Chocolate Brownie Protein Cookies

Boost your daily energy with Chocolate Brownie Protein Cookies There are many times when people ask me where I get my protein from! Where do I start – there are so many many vegan sources of protein! You could have any nuts, seeds, pulses, grains, substitute meats, tofu and even vegetables! Did you know the garden pea has about 5g…

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Plate of two different shaped date cookies on a white plate

Happy Eid if you are celebrating

A very late in the day blog post! I will post a new recipe soon but I’ve been very busy! Have a look at these delicious traditional Eid Kulicha… These are all delicious pastries filled with a soft lightly spiced date paste. You can find the recipe here. Please drop me a comment below and let me know if my…

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side view of cooked diced mushrooms and aubergine on a plate

A new way to love your veg – try Miso Veg

Miso Veg Sometimes, you just need to try something different to make you realise that actually you do like a certain vegetable! I have heard many people say they do not like aubergine and that astounds me! Sure, if you chop it up and boil it then I am totally in agreement with you! That is not how you cook…

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Love these four fantastic ways with seasonal rhubarb

Love these four fantastic ways with seasonal rhubarb Rhubarb is one of those fruits which I think is often overlooked. We have always grown rhubarb. We had it at home growing up, I have it in the garden and of course, I have a plentiful supply on the allotment! If you are looking for rhubarb recipe ideas, then keep reading!…

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earth day poster on a tree

Happy Earth Day… what are you doing?

Happy Earth Day… What are you doing? Each year, 22nd April is classed as ‘Earth Day‘! 🌍 What? I hear you ask is Earth Day? Why do we need an Earth Day? What is it for? What can I do? Basically, Earth Day is to encourage everyone to take action on the environment and climate change. This affects everyone and…

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waffles on a plate with berries and ice cream

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles Waffles are one of those foods which I only ever used to have when out as I thought they were too fiddly to make! What I have learnt though, is you can make them similar to a pancake batter and bake them in a silicon mould in the oven. I do love pancakes…

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