spiced muffins

5 delicious recipes you’ll love for Apple Day

Apple Day Today (Thursday 21 October 2021) is Apple Day in the UK! What is apple day? Founded in 1990, apple day was created to celebrate all things apples and orchards. In the UK, you will find many events celebrating this – often tied in with pumpkin activities too. Our local park has held an apple day for many years…

pesto pasta bows on a white plate

Simple pesto pasta they’ll love & want again and again

Pesto Pasta If there is one thing in our house made on repeat and at least once a week, it is pasta! We do make our own pasta when time permits, but having a jar of dried pasta in the pantry makes for a quick, tasty and easy meal. There are a few recipes which are used frequently, but pesto…

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Banana blossom stew in white dish

Is it fish or is it not fish easy onepot dinner

A new challenge this week as my friend Tina asked me to create her a new healthy recipe using fish! I wanted to make this recipe accessible to as many people as possible, so I have made it so very simple as a onepot dish! The flavours in this dish are reminiscent of a Portugeuse fish dish I had many…

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quinoa salad in a white square bowl

Batch cook tasty lunch for everyone with this easy quinoa

Quinoa Lunch Bowl Quinoa is one of those foods which is still relatively new to the UK. If you are unfamiliar with the pronunciation it is ‘keen-wah’. Quinoa is a great nutritious food, full of protein – which is especially great on a plant based diet as it contains all 9 essential amino acids. This little wholegrain (althought technically a…

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vegan lasagne on a plate

Fool the meat eaters with this easy Meat Free Lasagne

Meat-Free Lasagne Lasagne is one of those dishes I grew up with. My late Mum used to make it quite often and I used to love the creamy sauce, the umami savoury layer and the crunchy edges of the pasta which had poked out the top and caught in the oven. Mum’s version was the traditional meat and cheese lasagne,…

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creme caramel and nuts

Make delicious dairy free Creme Caramel to enjoy at home

Creme Caramel Growing up, this one one dessert my late Mum would make often. Instead of creme caramel, we used to call it Carmella – in fact, that’s what you will find me calling it at home. Whatever you call it, this is a smooth and creamy dessert which is very easy to eat! The caramel topping gives added depth…

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scrambled tofu

5 ways to learn to cook tofu everyone will love

Five different ways with tofu I used to think tofu was something I could live without! When I learnt how to prepare and cook tofu properly, I realised that tofu is tasty, versatile and definitely something I need! Here I am going to share five different ways with tofu which I hope you will love as much as I do.…

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egg custard tart

No-egg egg custard tarts

No-egg egg custard tarts These no-egg egg custard tarts came about by accident. I was looking in the fridge and I saw there was more milk than usual. Normally, I would make a cheese sauce to go with my vegetables, but as the weather has been warm, I have been eating salads. So, I decided to make custard instead –…

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