Soup Season!

Soup Season!

Well, the weather has definitely started changing now. Oh we still have blue skies and a bit of warmth in the morning – yesterday was even 17 degrees centigrade and demanded sunglasses, but come late afternoon it got chilly! Almost put-the-heating-on chilly! shivering

What’s the perfect warming food… soup of course! This is filling, flavoursome and relatively easy to make and best of all, it was made for me! 😛 Thanks hubby! 😀 😛

I hope you’ve all been having a fab week and have got back into some sort of routine post Summer holidays! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Soup Season (2)


Creamy rice pudding

Creamy rice pudding It’s over! That’s the conversation I just had. Summer. It’s gone! 🙁 Today was back to school day for many after the six week summer holiday. We had so much fun. Now back to early mornings, quick breakfasts, homework, routines and… Autumn! I love Autumn! Trees turning from green, to amber, to crimson, even gold. Leaves all…

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Superfood cookies

Superfood cookies Oh if you could see where I am!!! It’s so quiet, so peaceful, so tranquil… just the sounds of sheep bleating and water trickling down the stream. On Sunday, we managed to be out nearly all day and not see a single soul! There are mountains and waterfalls and lots of sheep! Sheep on the mountains, sheep in fields…

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The best green beans ever!!!

The best green beans ever!!! Seriously! Oh my! I cannot believe we never thought of this before! You might think there’s only so many green beans you can eat, but these… these are totally amazing! AND… really simple!!! I was actually being lazy and didn’t want to chop any more beans to steam and decided to throw them in the…

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Aubergine Rolls!

Aubergine Rolls Do you know how so very exciting it is to see deep shiny aubergines emerging from nowhere?! 😛 Well, I know they come from somewhere, but one day there is a plant with a few purple flowers, then the next day there are shiny jet black balls just sitting there… then they get a bit longer, and a…

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Not just for Breakfast…Granola!

Not just for Breakfast… Granola! I’m 100% certain I’m not the only one who eats ‘breakfast’ at all times of day!? 😛 How many of you have opted for a bowl of crunchy cereal or a couple of bits of toast for lunch, a snack or even dinner?! 😀 Maybe that’s not tradition where you are, to have cereal or…

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Courgette Ideas…

Courgette Ideas… Love them? Despise them? Well… I’m not sure you can just say you don’t like any vegetable without trying them cooked in different ways!? I mean, how can you compare chargrilled cajun marinated courgette strips to spiralised pesto courgetti? Our allotment has so far produced some lovely big courgettes from just two plants… Sure we panfried a few,…

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Breakfast Bars… customisable, vegan & Free-From!

Breakfast Bars…customisable, vegan & free-from! Want something quick and easy for breakfast? Need something portable if you’re always on the run? These breakfast bars will definitely do the job! Did I plan them? Well no, not really! What happened? The allotment happened! 😛 Do you know how quick and freely without any attention rhubarb grows? So we’ve had crumble, ice-cream…

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Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu!

Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu! Hey! 🙂 How are you all? Have you all been rushed off your feet (like me) or have you found time to relax and enjoy the sunshine (if there’s been any your way?)? This week in the Life Diet Health kitchen there was lots going on! Double and treble our usual number for dinner on…

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