Sugar, Spice & All Things Nice!

Sugar, Spice & All Things Nice! Sugar… errr yes actually! Well, in one of the recipes (yes, I am sharing two today)! But it’s coconut sugar so none of that refined white stuff! 😛 Spice… because spice is so delicious and whether savoury or sweet it livens up everything! even brussel sprouts! 😛 All things nice… of course! It wouldn’t…

Festive Spiced Mulled-Tea

Festive Spiced Mulled-Tea The Christmas festivities are hotting up! Nativities, carol concerts and pantomimes abound! This delicious spiced tea fits in perfectly! It’s perfect for warming you up on a snowy day, it’s great for sharing with friends (especially for those who don’t drink mulled wine), goes perfect with roasted chestnuts or actually it’s pretty good at anytime! 😛 Gather 1 litre…

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Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan

Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan Want something quick, hot, tasty and good for you?! Of course you do! 🙂 These delicious potato cakes can be eaten topped with nut butter or jam, split and buttered, stuffed with your favourite filling or even just eaten plain… maybe to mop up your savoury sauces! Simple, less than five ingredients, wholesome and easy…

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Roasted Pepper & Onion soup – #dairyfree

Roasted Pepper & Onion Soup – #dairyfree Hello all! 🙂 What do you think of the new theme? I’ve been having a play and decided (for now) that I prefer this one over the old! What do you think? As I’ve actually had some time to spend on the blog, I haven’t spent too much time in the kitchen! 😛…

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Balsamic Dressing… umami those veg!

Balsamic Dressing… umami those veg! It’s cold! No two ways about it! Over the weekend the UK has suddenly gone from ‘okay to leave the house without a jacket weather’ to ‘thick socks, gloves and hat weather’! Last week it was 16 degrees most days and suddenly there’s a frost when I wake up! Colder weather means more warming foods – soups,…

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Life! and chocolate! :)

Life! and Chocolate! 🙂   Life! How often do you stop and think about life? I guess if I’d asked this a month ago, the answer would have been quite different from today!? With the recent events in Paris my guess is that now more than ever people have started thinking a bit more. Not taking things for granted so…

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Cinnamon Biscuits Free-From and Vegan

Cinnamon biscuits Free-From and vegan These have a surprise hidden ingredient! 😀 So, I am currently studying (what a surprise! am I ever not)! 😛 My current course is to update my plant based cooking skills! 🙂 Having been a regular chef and having grown up cooking traditional dishes sometimes in great quantities (think 200+ covers) changing my diet to…

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Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style!

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style! Munch munch munch! 😀 I love satsumas! Don’t get me wrong, I love oranges, tangerines, clementines and mandarins too but there’s something about the easy peel, the delicate orange fragrance, the subtle way the segments just separate on their own and disappear into my mouth! oops! Can you eat too many?…

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Roasted Pumpkin Nut Loaf. Vegan and Free From

Roast Pumpkin Nut Loaf. Vegan and Free From Remember Remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason, Should ever be forgot! 😀 Don’t you just love this time of year? The trees are turning golden with so many colour variations you could almost make a rainbow! There are pumpkins, squashes, apples, parsnips…

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