Vegan Frittata

Vegan Frittata So, we came back from  our short break very late at night and of course we had no food for the morning (brunch time)! Aghhh! I was hungry and needing something quick and nutritious so this dish was created from nothing! 😛 Well, of course it wasn’t but we had nothing fresh – no vegetables, no fruit, no beans…

Budapest and Food!

Budapest and Food! Hello all! So, well done if you worked out where I was! I travelled to the capital of Hungary – Budapest! This building is actually the parliament  and it is the third largest parliament building in the world. It is situated on the banks of the River Danube and totally dominates any view of the water! It is still…

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Where am I?! Vegetables for breakfast?

Where am I?! Vegetables for breakfast? Well, what a surprise! In my busy hectic couple of months I have been whisked away for a few days break! 🙂 So… just quickly before going to the spa! 😛 🙂 Where am I??? Yes, vegetables for breakfast! It wasn’t the only choice of course but I didn’t want cheese or ham, neither…

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School holidays and vegan chocolate mousse!

School holidays and vegan chocolate mousse! Once again in the UK it is the school holidays – time goes so fast I sometimes wonder if there is actually any days spent at school! That said I love the school holidays as we often get up to all sorts of fun and visit new places. Having been SO busy the last…

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Savoury mousse… and it’s vegan!

Savoury mousse… and it’s vegan! Good morning! 🙂 I still have loads to do but quickly wanted to share this lovely recipe with you! This was one of my three recipes which were made from the same base – you already had the dessert (chocolate dessert), this one could be a starter, used as a dip or a tasty addition to…

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Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick!

Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick! Hello everyone! I missed you all! So so busy here but no time to think let alone cook, bake or blog! 🙁 These yummy fritters were rustled up in next to no time (in my new 1250w food processor 🙂 ) and are a delicious on the go snack as well as being great…

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Maple Donuts Free From

Maple Donuts Free From I’m back again, short and sweet! 😛 🙂 Breakfast, dessert, snack, anytime! 🙂 How were these created? “Waffles!” My son came in much too early for a weekend and said “Can we have waffles? Do we have any waffles?” We didn’t, but the thought of donuts instead kept him happy! 🙂 These were whipped up in…

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Sorry! and a lovely vegan speedy dinner!

Sorry!!! and a lovely vegan speedy dinner! OMGosh! Sorry everyone! I’ve never left you for that long! 🙁 It’s been almost a week since my last post and you wouldn’t believe how so VERY busy I’ve been! I’ve not even had a second to check emails this week! and unfortunately for the next few months I will only get busier!…

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Not-feta salad! It’s vegan!!!

Not-feta salad! 🙂 It’s vegan!!! 🙂 I’m so busy and don’t have time to write much but I just HAD to share this with you! This is just amazing! When I was on the plane to Istanbul last month the girl I sat next to shared this great tip with me 🙂 (I know! … how amazing that she had vegan…

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