T = Tofu Treat!!!

Tofu Treat!!! I guess you’re thinking I’ve posted the wrong photo!!! 😛 🙂 No! Definitely not! 🙂 Accidentally the wrong type of tofu was bought (silken not firm) and so I had a little play! 🙂 From two main ingredients I managed to make a starter, main and dessert! Impressive hey! 😛 I was going to post all three today… a Tofu…

S = Simple Shepherds Salad

Simple Shepherds Salad Who is having a productive week then?! I most certainly am! 😛 With the lighter longer days it’s sort out the junk week, spring cleaning time, clear the clutter days and then realise how wonderful your surroundings are! My garden is looking better day after day, several trees are blossoming for the first time ever (that’s so…

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Ravishing Rhubarb Rounds

Ravishing Rhubarb Rounds Hellooooo! I’m here! I’m back! 🙂 Not that I was ever really away, but some of you may have noticed I’ve been a bit distracted lately. This evening was the first time in almost a week that I ‘really’ thought about this post! The alphabet A-Z challenge has kept me blogging daily (as usual) but I’ve hardly…

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Quick Quinoa! (Yes… its Q of the A-Z Challenge)

Quick Quinoa Q for my A-Z alphabet challenge was always going to be quinoa! (pronounced keen-wah). Quinoa is a grain which contains high amounts of protein and is actually one of the few plants foods which is classed as a complete protein! Yes meat eaters! See… there are plant foods which are complete proteins too! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Quinoa also…

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PPPPP Pizza! (Free From)

Pizza! DEGF (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) Happy weekend everyone! What’s better than chocolate and cake? okay.. that didn’t work! 😛 What savoury food is akin to chocolate and cake!? Yes, pizza of course! Hang on.. this is Life Diet Health… why are we talking pizza? 😛 🙂   P for pizza for my A-Z Challenge 🙂 Ooo when I clicked publish…

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O = Oats & Oranges…!!!

Oats & Oranges Now that’s something you don’t see together every day! Oaty oranges! 😛 We were trying to think up something other than oranges which could be for the A-Z Challenge letter and then I thought OMGosh… I use oats almost every day! Usually I put them in my blender and turn them into flour and make pancakes or bread…

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N = Nutrition! N = Nuts! N= Nachos!

N = Nutrition! Hello all! I hope you are enjoying some lovely weather like we are! 🙂 Today my post for the A-Z Challenge was going to be N = Nothing! 😛 🙂 I’m a tad busy to be in the kitchen and I was going to write a post around nothingness! Then I thought I’d tell you about my latest…

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Mouthwatering Meaty Mushrooms! Mmm!

Mouthwatering Meaty Mushrooms! Mmm! 😛 🙂 A-Z Challenge… this is the half way post! 13 down… 13 to go! 🙂  Wow! Yesterday was an absolutely glorious day in the UK! The sun was shining and it reached 23 degrees on the coast! 🙂 So… it must be barbeque weather! 🙂 This is a simple dish but so very very tasty…

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Luscious Lentils :)

Luscious Lentils 🙂 Well, last night I suddenly thought the blog tomorrow for the A-Z Challenge is and in this house, that has to be ‘lentils’ 🙂 Lentils are such a wonderful food full of protein, fibre, iron and a whole range of minerals 🙂 This dish is very easy and quick to make and you can vary the taste…

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