Quick & Easy Pan Roasted Tofu with Mushrooms

Quick & Easy Pan Roasted Tofu with Mushrooms Hello all and Happy Monday! Did you notice I had a day off yesterday and didn’t post anything at all! I think I will try that from now on… just posting Monday to Saturday… unless of course I have something so exciting to tell you that it can’t wait! 😛 🙂 I…

Fudgey Chocolatey Free From… Fudge?!

Fudgey Chocolatey Free From…Fudge Hello Weekend! 🙂 It seems like I’ve been up for hours already (early football today)! but once again I’ve not achieved much! That said I did make some bread for breakfast (DEGF recipe soon…) and of course the second load of washing is in, the kitchen has been tidied (?!) and I’ve been taste testing the…

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Tomorrow is another day! Don’t stress the chocolate!

Tomorrow is another day! Don’t Stress the Chocolate! Well! Today hasn’t exactly gone to plan… not that I had a plan as such, but besides trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse, that is so far all my day has achieved! Okay, so that is not strictly true! I had a phone call from a friend which lasted almost…

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Moola Bhaji. Bengali Vegetable Dish. Free From.

Moola Bhaji Moola. Mooli. White radish. Daikon. To me, I thought this was just like a giant radish which should be chopped up into salad and eaten raw! 🙂 With a slightly milder taste than the traditional round pink radishes, this was a vegetable I’d often seen but never really given any thought. Hah… well! how mistaken was I! Little…

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Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl (DEGF) 🙂 What happened to Spring? The weather has turned cold again 🙁 so I needed something warm and yummy for breakfast! Porridge sprung to mind but I wanted something more exciting 🙂 then I remembered that when we were younger we used to have ‘ready brek’. I’ve no idea how they get the fine floaty…

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Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce

Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce A very quick post today but nonetheless full of nutrition and flavour! 🙂 Courgetti! 🙂 I don’t know what we did before we had the spiraliser! It is fantastic and great fun too! This is a quick dish for hungry footballers! 😛 🙂 If you don’t have a spiraliser, go and buy one! then you…

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Monday Monday! DEGF Healthy Cookies

Monday Monday! Do you find it hard to get out of bed on a Monday? or is that just me? It’s not like I went to bed any later (I don’t think) or that I did anything over the weekend to wear me out, but this morning I just couldn’t open my eyes, couldn’t take that first step out from…

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Mothers Day Goodies!

Mothers Day Goodies! <3 Happy Mothers Day to all you Mums out there! (in the UK or not)! 🙂 No recipe today…just lots of love and well wishes to you all (Mums or not)! I got my hotcakes for breakfast… in bed too! 🙂 and some lovely goodies including Maca, Cacao and vegan coconut chocolate… looks like I’ll be making…

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