Kismet & Kofte!

Kismet & Kofte Happy Monday Everyone! Here in the UK most children returned to school today after the Easter break – ours is back tomorrow so one more fun filled day! 🙂 So, today I am on the letter on my A-Z blogging challenge! After having a day off yesterday I almost forgot I hadn’t thought about todays post! 😛 So……

J is for ?

J is for ? It’s the weekend 🙂 Yay… although after the weekend school is back so that’s a shame 🙁 I just love the school holidays, all the time spent together chatting, playing, baking, learning, days out and lax bedtimes! 🙂 I’ve just realised this challenge is a lot tougher than I thought! No longer can I photograph my…

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I = Incredible Invention

I = Incredible Invention! Hello all and welcome to ‘I’ of my A-Z Challenge! It would have been all to easy to make ice-cream for my ‘I’ post so I thought I’d do something a little bit different! This recipe has a bit of a story and I’ve been waiting to post it for a ages as I created it…

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H = Happy Healthy Home

H = Happy Healthy Home This is day 8 of the A-Z Challenge and therefore the letter I did have a couple of ‘H’ recipes but I realised that for several posts now I haven’t talked much about ‘Life’ or ‘Health’ and this would give me the opportunity! Often unless something bad happens, we don’t stop and think about what…

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Gözleme! GlutenFree!

Gözleme GlutenFree (and Dairy Free, Egg Free too)! 🙂 Spring!!! 🙂 Woohoo! It appears spring has finally sprung here in the UK! 🙂 Yesterday I had a wonderful day with the first picnic of the year! 🙂 I was also catching up with an old friend who was over from Germany for the holidays so it was all in all…

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Fruit Food Fun!

Fruit Food Fun (A-Z Challenge, Day 6) Hello! 🙂 It’s day 6 of the A-Z Challenge which finds us on the letter ‘F’ 🙂 F for fruity. F for food. F for fun. Admittedly these were ready to post last week and were supposed to be my ‘B’ post but instead I posted my Free From Hot Cross Buns! That is…

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E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)!

E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)! Hello and welcome back to my A-Z challenge! Today was a bit of a tricky one to think of, with only eggplant and endive springing to mind (and not my mind either)! 😛 Anyway, I was playing with some ingredients and suddenly this idea jumped out at me! I know!…

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Dipping Donuts Dunking Doughnuts DairyFree Donuts!

Dipping Donuts Dunking Doughnuts DairyFree Donuts! Day four of the A-Z challenge brings us to ‘D’ Another seemingly easy letter but being a Saturday if you’re a regular to Life Diet Health you’ll know that’s my cake and chocolate posting day! So donuts it had to be! I’m certain when I was at school it was doughnuts!? Anyway, dipping or…

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C = Chocolate! :)

C = Chocolate! Day three of the A-Z challenge and so near to Easter ‘C’ could only be for ‘chocolate’ ! 🙂 This was an experiment which has been meaning to happen for a long time and I am more than happy with how it turned out! I also made some delicious truffles but I’ll save those for another day! 🙂 This…

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