Less is more…

If you haven’t heard about the decluttering the nation has suddenly undertaken, well, I don’t know where you’ve been hiding! 😛 Charity shops have been inundated (hooray) with donations, everyone is selling more on the main second-hand sites, and recycling centres have people queuing to get in! Yes, seriously! People are sorting their prized possessions from their junk and getting…

Quick Chickpea soup

It is most definitely soup weather! It is cold and wet and this soup is perfect for a very quick nutritious meal. We haven’t had the snow here like the South of the UK, but we had a smattering earlier in the week which was enough for the boys to make snowballs with!  😀 I don’t know how the snow…

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The key is perseverance…

How many times have you started something and then given up? Maybe it was too easy? Maybe it was too hard? Maybe it took too much time? Maybe you needed someone else to help? Maybe it was repetitive? Maybe it was just too boring? How many times did you think about it afterwards? How many times did you think ‘I…

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Vegan Cannelloni

Pasta tubes with a soft creamy centre flecked with spinach and slathered in a rich tomato sauce (with hidden veg)! Perfect! 😀 This week it has suddenly been very cold here! Definitely stay in the house and bake tasty food weather! 😛 Or is that just me! 😀 We’ve had soups, chickpeas and then this delicious hearty filling pasta dish!…

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No matter how small…

You might think it doesn’t matter. You might think your actions won’t have any affect. You might think there is no point. But. You might be wrong! Maybe… Someone will notice your actions. Someone will hear of your actions. Someone will act on your actions. So. What you do matters. Make it count! Today! We went to the beach. It…

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Coconut Tarts

Who wants something delicious but light? Something to brighten up the dull weather and keep you cosy with a cup of hot chocolate!? These coconut tarts will whisk you away to a tropical paradise as you bite into the fluffy slightly sweetened coconut topping, before reaching that crisp pastry shell. Oh yes, these are real good! 😀 I’m not even…

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Be Thankful for What YOU have!

I wrote a long post about my interpretation of this statement. Then, I stopped and thought about it. I realised that being thankful for what you have, could mean so many different things, to so many different people. Then I deleted everything I had written. I saw that the statement “Be Thankful for what YOU have!” speaks for itself and…

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Back to Basics: Leek & Potato Soup

This to me is such an easy soup to put together but I realised that if you’ve never made it, you might not realise how easy it is! This version is a healthy vegan, gluten free and slimming world friendly recipe! 🙂 This soup just contains leeks, potatoes, onions, water, a bit of mustard and paprika with some seasoning. That’s…

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If you know…

Wednesday wisdom! 🙂 “It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.” Tony Robbins Just some food for thought for you today! You might know lots of things about lots of things… but how many do you act on? For example, we know plastic pollution is bad,but how many of us are actually doing anything about it? Think…

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